Thursday, January 6, 2011

Day 365

The last day of the year began sort of early in the North Carolina hotel room. I'd slept pretty good except for my brother stealing all of the covers (normally that's my job haha). We headed to Dad's parent's house for breakfast (once again another huge meal) and said our goodbye's before getting back on the road. Once again it was a 6.5 hour drive & by the end of it we were all tired of being stuck in a truck together. It was a good visit & I'm glad we could make it. That evening, Caleb had invited 4 friends over. Mom cooked Brunswick Stew & we all enjoyed eating it. Later, we went over to a fellow church member's home & lit off the fireworks. I tried to take pictures of them but I had issues & the fireworks turned out to be nothing really great. It was still fun. We went back to the house & watched some TV before watching the ball drop in New York City, New York. It's very hard to believe that 2010 has ended. It has been a very good year & I'm thankful for many, many things that happened in it. I did really enjoy completing the project 365 & I still can't believe it's over! It's been a great journey though.

Happy New Year, everybody! :)

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