Thursday, April 29, 2010

Day 118

Yesterday was another full-ish day. I had my last spanish class, old testament, shower!, last fysx class, then lunch where I sat in the caf for an hour & a half with some friends just wasting time. I did go to the gym again with my friend (3rd day in a row!!) yesterday night so when I got back it was dark and probably after 10:00pm. I didn't know what to photograph but I was inspired by my tennis shoes because I had worn them over the past 3 days more than I had probably over the past month. I thought I could put them on the floor and get down on the floor with my camera myself to take a decent picture using the floor as a stabilizer because the lighting was low. How it ended up was that the depth of field wasn't focused on anything but the carpet. I thought it came out neat though to see the random strip of in-focus carpet then have my very blurry tennis shoes at the back of the picture. I like it because it is unique among my pictures so far in this project. :)

Wednesday, April 28, 2010

Day 117

Yesterday, April 27, 2010, was a pretty average tuesday. Unfortunately it was breezy & chilly outside which just isn't something I like in the end of April...I've gotten used to the hot, sunny weather! Anyways, I had my next to last spanish & education class and my last choir rehearsal for the year. The choir listened to our recording from our final concert two sundays ago. After classes I wasted a lot of time going through some random old pictures on my computer & hard drive because I had no homework. Oh yeah...I wasted between 3-4 hours just sleeping :). It was quite the lovely afternoon nap. For a picture I didn't really have much inspiration. It was cold outside & the sun had set. So I looked around on my desk, saw an old name tag I'd stuck on my desk, & photographed it. It's not a great picture but hey it's better than nothing!

Tuesday, April 27, 2010

Day 116

Yesterday was a pretty good day. It was full of the normal homework load, as usual, but I was slightly productive in a different way than normal by going to the gym with some friends & working out on the bikes for 45 minutes (I got in 10 miles so I was happy with that). Before the workout though, I went to figure out a picture to take. There is a park very close to my dorm so I wandered across the street to see what I could photograph. There are some swing sets & the sun was setting so I experimented with focusing closely on the chain from the swing set & let the sunset blur behind it. The pictures turned out better than I was expecting and I had a hard time choosing just one. :)

Day 115

Sunday was a fairly busy day. QuadWorks had voting over program proposals for 2 1/2 hours which, though long, was shorter than last year's session. So business taken care of it was time for homework. It seemed like a lovely day outside so I went with a friend to sit on the patio in the middle of our dorm. We ended up mainly talking instead of doing as much homework as we needed (what else can you expect?) & so I wandered around the area outside taking pictures. I choose this one as my photo-of-the-day because I think it's pretty neat looking having the brick in focus then similar brick behind it out of focus.

Day 114

Saturday April 24. I am a Tift Scholar at school & long story short it is an organization that has been in effect for many generations. We had an alumnae weekend and I was required to be in attendance. I took pictures for a friend's project & didn't ever take any more pictures that day so I had to choose from that selection a photo-of-the-day. I chose this one because this lady's face is just so precious & adorable. :)

Day 113

Friday, April 23, 2010. Full day of classes & such. But my boyfriend did something very sweet that made it a good day. :) He knows that I love photography (obviously) so he wanted to take out somewhere pretty to give me a good photo-op. So after classes we went to lunch at Chili's and were off to High Falls State Park. It's a very pretty place that I had been to before so I knew where we could walk and see the falls better. Once we got back to campus, we went to a Midnight Movie with practically the rest of campus. So Friday was a lovely day. :)

Day 112

April 22, 2010. Last Thursday. Hmm...I don't remember every single one of my actions that day. But I do remember why I took this picture. I had a paper due for my freshman literature class the next day so I was hitting the books hard Thursday night. I figured I'd take a picture of all of the things I would use to write my paper & use it as my photo-of-the-day. & I think it came out pretty cool. :)

Day 111

Having such a disappointing picture the previous day, I was sure to get a good one on Day 111. I had an overnighter so I didn't have much time to wander the grounds of campus. I had a random idea while in my dorm....I have tissue paper from some present I'd wrapped & I thought it would look cool to photograph it in some way. I started off cutting out a square, folding it, cutting a lot of mini, kinda similarly sized/shaped pieces. I put them in a circle & out of one I cut out a heart. Experimenting with different shots, I eventually ended up just using the one square with the heart out of it. Yeah, I'd say I'm pretty satisfied with the pictures that came out of this photo-shoot. :)

Tuesday, April 20, 2010

Day 110

So for today's picture, the same situation applies from yesterday. I am not very proud of this picture...I had no great inspiration. But on a high note...less than 2 weeks left of school! :)

Day 109

My, my I feel like my days are ending faster than I want them to so I'm running out of daylight for picture taking. I was working in my dorm's lounge area with some friends & I was at a loss for what to photograph. One of my friends, who has been following my project, knew that I had taken some pictures of M&M's so after she bought some to eat, she tried to help me arrange them into something pretty. So the lighting wasn't good & I don't like using the flash so we moved back to another friend's dorm. I didn't end of arranging these candies but I thought they looked cool how they were. :)

Day 108

Sunday was my homework day, though not as productive as it probably should have been. Oh well...can't cry over spilled milk. So I really didn't know what to do for my picture so one time I was walking across campus I found these really pretty pink flowers. I liked the picture & moved on. There isn't really anything too exciting about it. I do like it has neat colors, the focus is off center, & it just makes me think of spring time! :)

Day 107

If you thought Friday was full, Saturday April 17th was jam packed. I had choir practice in the morning, I had to work an admissions preview day that afternoon, & I had to work a campus even for my new job until 1am. Whew long & tiring but good day. The event on campus was a very big event for my university & it included concerts from a good number of local & more well known bands. During the last band that played, I was able to go behind the barriers in order to take pictures. I loved this opportunity & can't wait for more. This is a member of the band We The Kings. :)

Day 106

Friday April 16, 2010 was a busy day. I had classes from 8-9:50, field work from 11-2, and choir practice from 3-4:30. After all of this was done, or at least I'm guessing that's true, I walked back across campus to my dorm to see what I could take a picture of. The weather was gorgeous and I happened to point my lens at a brick building. The colors of the bricks, played up against the blue sky just turned out beautifully. :)

Day 105

This day was a Thursday I'm sure. I remember walking to choir & not sure what to take a picture of. The art building is across from the music building & I wandered up to it to see what was interesting. I saw one of the windows had the blinds not all of the way down. I couldn't exactly see into the building but seeing all of the tools on the window sill was pretty neat. I took the picture in black & white and I love the detail. No, I'm not trying to be creepy but I thought this was just a cool photo.

Day 104

April 14th, 2010. Registration Day on campus for upcoming sophomores. Ah the worst day of the year with the most stress. Plus I had an overnighter. Oh well at least it went boyfriend registered lighting quick so was able to help me log into the system & register me. That night I was stressed because I didn't get into many classes but now that some time has passed all of those problems have been solved & I think I will have a good class list next semester. :)

Day 103

Though I cannot remember all that I did on April 13th, 2010, I do remember that it was my mother's birthday. Since I go to school so close to home, I am very blessed to be able to see my parents on special occasions like birthday parties. We met up at a restaurant & had a lovely celebration. One of the gifts for my mother was a camera. I am very excited for her because now that I'm away at college she has been complaining that the only camera in the house isn't there any more & she just can't take any pictures. Now she has no excuse. :) Happy birthday again, mom! :)

Monday, April 12, 2010

Day 102

Today was a full day. 8:00 Spanish, 9:00 Old Testament, 10:00 small & fast breakfast, read book until 12:00, 12:00 fysx, 1:30-3:30 field work, breather until 5:30 supper, 7:00 quadworks initiation until 9:00. Whew. It went good but now I'm tired! So I took this picture not meaning it to be my photo-of-the-day. I really do like it though. I haven't taken anything like it & the angle and cropping are pretty unique...

Sunday, April 11, 2010

Day 101

Today I went with my boyfriend to the Museum of Arts & Sciences just down the road from campus. He needed to go for his history class & I had come here growing up so I was excited about going again. It was fun wandering the building...seeing the life-size polar bear, "digging" for fossils, & watching the live animal show in the mini-zoo. It was a lot of fun yes, but unfortunately the lighting wasn't very good throughout the museum. The only really good place to take pictures was in the art exhibit. Here is a mask of some sort aptly named "face". I think the coloring turned out great so this is my photo-of-the-day! :)

Day 100!

So yesterday was day 100 of my project 365. I'm proud of what I've done & have enjoyed the ride thoroughly. :) I was asked to take another one of my friend's formal pictures so early yesterday evening we headed out to a little park for the photo-shoot. I choose this picture as my photo-of-the-day because it was my attempt at a model pose...she did the posing to be funny & I thought I'd take the picture to see how it turned out...& I ended up liking it! :)

Saturday, April 10, 2010

Day 99

Yesterday was a busy but fun day. Spanish got cancelled but I still had a 9:00 & 12:00 class. After classes I had a fast lunch & went to field work. I was there for over 2 hours (as I needed to be) & walked around their nature trail after I finished for my pictures for the day. After I came back to campus & was shortly off to Atlanta with one of my classes to the Shakespeare's Tavern to watch Taming of the Shrew. It was very good but we got back to campus probably around 11:30. :)

Friday, April 9, 2010

Day 98

Yesterday, April 8, 2010, was a not-so-bad day. I had an overnighter from the night before so I had to wake up to take her to breakfast & class but it was alright because she was a pretty cool overnighter. :) Education went as it normally does, choir went well, tutoring went fine too. Then I read some of Taming of the Shrew & watched Calendar Girls with my friend down the hall. So all was well but I didn't have much time to take a picture & it was raining pretty hard outside. So I took pictures in my friend's dorm & I present to you...her lamp! :)

Thursday, April 8, 2010

Day 97

Yesterday was a busy day. I had class for the majority of the day then I had an overnighter. A movie was shown on campus so I went & watched that & didn't get to my camera until 11ish. So I was desperate for a picture & didn't know what to do for it. I had gotten a lot of Easter candy so I figured I'd use that...

Tuesday, April 6, 2010

Day 96

So today, Tuesday April 6, 2010, hasn't been a bad day but it's been a full day. My moment of reprieve was sitting out in the blazing sun for a few minutes, until my friend & I were disturbed by wasps. Once again, I thought I was meant to host an overnighter tonight (yes I know 2 days in a row...not counting tomorrow night's overnighter either) but apparently I wasn't suppose to have one...oh well that's cool with me, I shall not complain. :) So while sitting outside in the beautiful heat I saw these numbers in the bricks...I thought well that's pretty interesting so I snapped their picture. As it turns out, this was the picture that I liked best so I think that solves the problem as to choosing a picture for the day.

Monday, April 5, 2010

day 95

Today has been a mix of goods & bads. I'm sad because my family is going on their first vacation without me - to one of my favorite beaches too. They arrived today & I miss them & wish I were with them. I was suppose to host an overnighter but she didn't show then I almost forgot a meeting but I remembered just in time. Unfortunately that meeting showed me just how much work my job will be next semester. It will be good & I will persevere but for now it's just stressing me out.

So, today I had no idea what to photograph so I decided that I would walk behind my dorm just to see what was up. I didn't see anything but I saw a bird! It was singing so loudly that I knew it was close. So I wandered and found it singing ever so sweetly on a branch. I snapped it's picture & never ended up taking any more. So that's that! :)

Day 94

Yesterday was Easter Sunday. Time at church is always nice, as is time with family. It was a beautiful day, nice & sunny & warm. :) We woke up early to dye eggs & make our "resurrection rolls". Here, we put a marshmallow, cinnamon sugar, & butter into a crescent roll. The butter & cinnamon sugar represent the spices put on Jesus' body in the tomb, the roll represents Jesus' wrappings, & the marshmallow represents Jesus' body because after you cook the whole combination, the marshmallow is gone just like Jesus was! :) That's always a fun tradition we have at home. Then my mom cut flowers & we went to church to add onto the cross which the whole church decorates with flowers. Sunday school & the church service went very well. We went to eat at my grandmother's then headed back home so I could pack & head back to school. My photo-for-the-day is of pink dogwood blossoms against the pure, blue sky. I love dogwood blossoms but especially the pink ones & I think they look quite lovely against such a pretty blue. :)

Saturday, April 3, 2010

day 93

Today is the 3rd day of April - the 93rd day of my project. I woke up earlier than I would like to for a Saturday & went with my family to help out with my church's kid's Easter egg hunt. It was held at a really pretty location in town & I was excited about taking pictures of the kids. I did enjoy it but I didn't chose one of the kid pictures as my photo-of-the-day. I love dogwood blossoms so I was excited to see a tree blooming because I have only seen a few blooming so far. I love the colors of this picture & the layout. I just love flower pictures. :)

Friday, April 2, 2010

Day 92

Today. Haha finally caught up. :) Well my home has two lovely cherry trees that bloom every year. They are huge & I was excited to take their pictures this year. Haha my chosen photo-of-the day though is not of these trees. The back yard hadn't been cut in a while so there were plenty of weeds. I like this picture because of the colors & details. I always love macro photography & this one is a fun one.

Day 91

April 1st, 2010. April Fool's Day! I'm not very much into cracking jokes...maybe because I'm not very good at coming up with the jokes myself. Anyways...I was able to go home after my two classes. It was so nice to come home...still nice to be here. My school takes Good Friday as a holiday so all of the students have classes off. After supper I walked around the neighborhood with my mom. It was a nice walk, great company & lovely weather. This picture is walking around one of the dead-end's not taken in black and white but It almost looks it. I love the lighting of this picture. Just beautiful. :)

Day 90

90 days! I can't believe that I've been at this project for this long...even longer now. March 31, 2010. A day I had nothing to do after tests & essays had been completed already earlier in the week. I went out to photograph some different cherry trees but I remembered something I had seen a while ago. Haha I know it may seem random, but some metal numbers on a telephone pole can look pretty cool. I love the colors & textures here...wood, metal, brown, pure blue. :) Awesome.

Day 89

Ah. What a beautiful day March 30th, 2010 was. After classes I went to a cherry tree by our cafeteria. I must've looked pretty odd standing out there with this big camera looking up into the tree...I had a friend come up behind me. He called my name & said he didn't know if it was me before I turned around or not but figured that since I was short & had a big camera it was me. Haha. I ended up not using a picture of a cherry tree because I took this one that was more unique. The sunlight was just beautiful & it was hitting this tree in such an interesting way I had to capture it! :)

Day 88

Monday March 29, 2010. Hmm...I can't remember much from that day. I do know that I must've run out of either day light or inspiration to end up with the picture that I did. I was trying to brainstorm what to photograph that I had available in my small dorm. I ended up arranging my rings in a circle on my computer with one in the middle - wah lah: lord of the rings! haha. I do love the Lord of the Rings movies so I thought this kinda fit that theme. Who knows. :)