Monday, April 5, 2010

day 95

Today has been a mix of goods & bads. I'm sad because my family is going on their first vacation without me - to one of my favorite beaches too. They arrived today & I miss them & wish I were with them. I was suppose to host an overnighter but she didn't show then I almost forgot a meeting but I remembered just in time. Unfortunately that meeting showed me just how much work my job will be next semester. It will be good & I will persevere but for now it's just stressing me out.

So, today I had no idea what to photograph so I decided that I would walk behind my dorm just to see what was up. I didn't see anything but I saw a bird! It was singing so loudly that I knew it was close. So I wandered and found it singing ever so sweetly on a branch. I snapped it's picture & never ended up taking any more. So that's that! :)

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