Thursday, April 29, 2010

Day 118

Yesterday was another full-ish day. I had my last spanish class, old testament, shower!, last fysx class, then lunch where I sat in the caf for an hour & a half with some friends just wasting time. I did go to the gym again with my friend (3rd day in a row!!) yesterday night so when I got back it was dark and probably after 10:00pm. I didn't know what to photograph but I was inspired by my tennis shoes because I had worn them over the past 3 days more than I had probably over the past month. I thought I could put them on the floor and get down on the floor with my camera myself to take a decent picture using the floor as a stabilizer because the lighting was low. How it ended up was that the depth of field wasn't focused on anything but the carpet. I thought it came out neat though to see the random strip of in-focus carpet then have my very blurry tennis shoes at the back of the picture. I like it because it is unique among my pictures so far in this project. :)

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