Monday, April 5, 2010

Day 94

Yesterday was Easter Sunday. Time at church is always nice, as is time with family. It was a beautiful day, nice & sunny & warm. :) We woke up early to dye eggs & make our "resurrection rolls". Here, we put a marshmallow, cinnamon sugar, & butter into a crescent roll. The butter & cinnamon sugar represent the spices put on Jesus' body in the tomb, the roll represents Jesus' wrappings, & the marshmallow represents Jesus' body because after you cook the whole combination, the marshmallow is gone just like Jesus was! :) That's always a fun tradition we have at home. Then my mom cut flowers & we went to church to add onto the cross which the whole church decorates with flowers. Sunday school & the church service went very well. We went to eat at my grandmother's then headed back home so I could pack & head back to school. My photo-for-the-day is of pink dogwood blossoms against the pure, blue sky. I love dogwood blossoms but especially the pink ones & I think they look quite lovely against such a pretty blue. :)

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