Tuesday, November 30, 2010

Day 322

Thursday, November 18, 2010. Homecoming Week Day 4 - Homecoming Dance. QuadWorks was very excited about this dance. I went & bought a dress with accessories, too. It was sort of a flop because people used it as a point-getter so they came & left immediately. I was very frustrated about the whole thing but I did have fun when Alex, Daryl, Emily, & Patrick came and hung out with me. Afterwards, Daryl, Alex, & I went & saw the Harry Potter premier.

Day 321

Wednesday November 17, 2010. Homecoming Week Day 3. We invited Daniel Martin to come perform. He is an illusionist & he produced a great show. I don't know how he did anything he did. The funniest was when he called Rebekah up to the front of the auditorium and put her phone in a balloon before giving it back to her. :)

Day 320

Tuesday November 16, 2010. Homecoming Week Day 2. We had a lip sync competition between pairs of fraternities & sororities. This was the first of these competitions but the performances were very well planned out & looked & sounded great. Everyone who came really enjoyed this event.

Day 319

Monday November 15, 2010. Homecoming Week Day 1. We showed Inception on campus. It went over very well & we had a great turn out.

Day 318

Sunday November 14, 2010. This day was stressful because it was the day before Homecoming Week began so Katie & I were still trying to tie up loose ends. I did take a break from that, or I tried at least, by going with Daryl to watch Alex's last club soccer game.

Day 317

Saturday November 13, 2010. Saturday Preview Day. I woke up bright & early & it was freezing. The preview day went very well though.

Day 316

Friday November 12, 2010. Friday was a pretty normal day made special by it being date night. Alex & I hadn't gone out on a date in a while so we decided to go to the movies. We saw Due Date & it was funny but not as entertaining as we wanted it to be. We did buy Harry Potter premier tickets which made me very excited. :)

Thursday, November 11, 2010

Day 315

Today has been another good day. Thursday has snuck up on me this week! I woke up early for my second to last day of field work. After, I had psychology, a yummy lunch to-go, education, and choir. I didn't go to work because I had something to do at 4:30 & I would've only been in for an hour so I figured it wasn't worth it. I met with my co-chair and vice-pres of programming so we could discuss final details & overview of homecoming activities next week. After dinner in my room, I went to my 2nd & final psych study/experiment. It didn't take long, only about 20 minutes. Now I'm watching a little bit of TV before I meet Emily & we head to CSF! :)

Wednesday, November 10, 2010

Day 314

Today! November 10, 2010. After history, I ate breakfast with the normal group and headed up to meet with my QuadWorks boss. She & I were met by my co-chair and we sat in on the last official homecoming meeting before homecoming week! We've done a lot of work but it's finally all come together! I had photography and then lunch and then scientific inquiry and then field work and then an hour or so of work in the office. I had to leave early because there was a Tift Scholars meeting at 5:30. We had a speaker from the safe house in Macon and she spoke about relationship abuse. I then went and ate supper with Alex, Jason, & Daryl. Now I'm in my room about to start on homework. :)

Day 313

Yesterday was a full but good day. I had field work, classes, & work. After supper, I watched Glee with a group of my friends. It was a great episode!! Then I saw Alex & was ready to go to bed. :)

Monday, November 8, 2010

Day 312

Today has been full but slightly relaxed. I went to history which seemed to last forever and then to breakfast with the breakfast group. In photography I palled around with Andrea & Loren taking some pictures...one especially came out that I like a lot. Lunch was good. Scientific Inquiry was ok. The CBF office is closed today so I headed immediately back to my room. I started my clothes in the laundry and then decided to wash towels & sheets. I remade my bed and put new towels out. I am now finishing updating my blog & will soon fold my clothes. Pretty productive if you ask me. :) Tonight I have a group meeting and then the weekly QuadWorks meeting!

Day 311

Sunday it was nice to go to church at home. It was youth sunday & Caleb actually taught my sunday school class with a fellow youth. They did good and then the main service went very well too, led of course by the youth group. After a yummy lunch of chili and assorted soups at church, Mom & I headed home and turned on Someone Like You. Caleb & Dad got home just after it started and we enjoyed watching it together. Dad turned on a Falcon's game and I left not long after. It was a great weekend at home and I was sad to be leaving. Getting back to school, I unpacked and then settled in for some office hours in the QuadWorks office. I watched some TV shows & edited the pictures from Caleb's state meet. I ate supper and then was glad to see Alex once he got back from his soccer game. :)

Day 310

Saturday started very early. I woke up about 7 and got dressed. Mom, Dad, & I went to our inn's breakfast room and got something to eat. The whole CC team was already there, they'd been up since nearly 5! After we got our things from the room, we drove to the course so we could watch some races in the GHSA (Georgia High School Association) Cross Country Meet 2010!! Our team was running in the 3AAA race but we watched 1A and 5AAAAA races first. The number one guy for 3AAA finished in about 15:45...that is 3.1 miles mind you. The number one girl for 3AAA finished at 18:05. Her name is Grace Tinkey and her father actually went to high school with my mom. It was amazing to watch her run, I wish I could run like that! 5AAAAA was just as amazing. The girls weren't close to Grace's time but the number one & two guys finished before the number one for 1A did. Now it was time for Caleb's race. We were very nervous for him but we knew he'd do great. After a false start, he started running along side his team mates and with 225 total runners for the 3AAA division. Caleb finished 77th with a time of 18:26. He was disappointed because he wanted to break 18 (like he'd done in a previous meet) but he should be very proud - that is a fantastic time. The rest of the MP team finished under 22 minutes, which is also fantastic. The girls ran and did very well, too. After a few group pictures, Mom, Dad, & I picked up lunch before heading home around 1:00pm. After we got home, we turned on a little bit of TV (Superman, to be exact). Caleb got home and we ate cereal for supper. We went to Ingles and picked out a couple of movies to watch. We watched How To Train Your Dragon that night and it was an incredible movie. I absolutely loved it! I talked to Alex a little before bed and then I was glad to be able to fall asleep. :)

Day 309

Friday November 5, 2010. I went to history and breakfast as usual but then I had my advising appointment to figure out what classes I was taking next semester. It took a little while to figure out, but I have currently a great plan for my next semester classes. Now all I have to worry about is actually registering for the classes and hopefully getting enrolled in them. I went to photography but it was cancelled so I went back to my room and packed to prepare to go home for the weekend. I didn't go to lunch so I was able to pack my car like I needed to do. After scientific inquiry, I told Alex goodbye before heading to field work. I headed straight home to Forsyth after field work. From there, mom, dad, & I headed towards Carrollton so we could join MP's cross country team for supper! We ate yummy italian at Olive Tree and settled into a good nights sleep.

Day 308

Field work - psychology - no edu = sitting in dorm watching tv shows - choir - work - Carabba's for Grandmom's birthday - 1st home men's basketball game: Mercer vs GCSU. We won by a long shot too, but it was a fun game. I went with Alex, Daryl, Meghyn, Jason, & Patrick. :)

Day 307

Wednesday was another full day like the rest of my days are full. I had classes (with the exception of photography) like normal and went to work like normal. I ate supper like normal, too, but then had to help out with the Tunnel of Oppression for QuadWorks. I had bought shoes the week prior to this week and they came in last Wednesday! I was so excited to get them...I haven't been able to wear them yet, though.

Day 306

Tuesday I went to field work then I went to psychology where I had a test. I felt good about it so that's a good accomplishment. Education was cancelled so I went to lunch with Alex & some other engineers. I had choir then I went to work. :)

Day 305

Monday was back again. I went to class and breakfast in the UC. After breakfast, since photography was cancelled, I took a nap! It was quite nice. After scientific inquiry, I went to work for a couple of hours. I had to leave early because I had to participate in a study for psychology. After dinner & QuadWorks, I went and hung out with Alex.

Day 304

Sunday was a fuller day than I would've liked. I studied some that morning and then I went to a classmate's apartment so we could work on a group project. It was pretty funny how much our group started laughing just randomly...I guess that worksheet was driving us insane! Haha I got back to campus and ended up having to do something else - this time for QuadWorks. Later that night I was finally able to see Alex before going to bed in my nice comfy bed. :)

Day 303

Saturday was even more lonely than Friday. I slept in a little bit and worked hard until I just had to take a break. I went to Walmart & Walgreens to pick up some much needed supplies & spend more money than I wanted to in the process lol. I did treat myself with a Chick-Fil-A milkshake, though. Getting back to campus I worked some more and then went to bed.

Day 302

Friday, October 29, 2010. Friday was a full day. I was suppose to go to Bonnie's house with my friends over the weekend but I decided it was just way too much for one weekend when I had a lot of other homework to do. So after classes & work, I settled into my room...basically all alone.

PS - the photo for the day is of my friend Daryl & his costume was Waldo...even his glasses said Where's Waldo? :)

Day 301

Thursday October 28, 2010. I honestly can't remember much about this day. I'm sure it fit my normal schedule but otherwise I really can't say.

Day 300

Day 300! Only 65 more days. I cannot believe that. Wednesday October 27 was a good day as far as I can remember. I had history and then I had to go straight to QuadWorks business. I grabbed breakfast & then helped hand out the last few homecoming tickets. Afterwards, we had a Homecoming 2010 interest meeting where we gave the clubs and organizations who wanted to compete in homecoming an informational packet & explained everything. Our theme for the year is Mercer Goes Viral...so we'll see how things turn out. :) We had a photography critique and I went to lunch like normal. After scientific inquiry, I went to work. I came back to campus and attended our 3rd education field work seminar. I can't remember what I did after but I do know my day was full. :)