Monday, November 8, 2010

Day 310

Saturday started very early. I woke up about 7 and got dressed. Mom, Dad, & I went to our inn's breakfast room and got something to eat. The whole CC team was already there, they'd been up since nearly 5! After we got our things from the room, we drove to the course so we could watch some races in the GHSA (Georgia High School Association) Cross Country Meet 2010!! Our team was running in the 3AAA race but we watched 1A and 5AAAAA races first. The number one guy for 3AAA finished in about 15:45...that is 3.1 miles mind you. The number one girl for 3AAA finished at 18:05. Her name is Grace Tinkey and her father actually went to high school with my mom. It was amazing to watch her run, I wish I could run like that! 5AAAAA was just as amazing. The girls weren't close to Grace's time but the number one & two guys finished before the number one for 1A did. Now it was time for Caleb's race. We were very nervous for him but we knew he'd do great. After a false start, he started running along side his team mates and with 225 total runners for the 3AAA division. Caleb finished 77th with a time of 18:26. He was disappointed because he wanted to break 18 (like he'd done in a previous meet) but he should be very proud - that is a fantastic time. The rest of the MP team finished under 22 minutes, which is also fantastic. The girls ran and did very well, too. After a few group pictures, Mom, Dad, & I picked up lunch before heading home around 1:00pm. After we got home, we turned on a little bit of TV (Superman, to be exact). Caleb got home and we ate cereal for supper. We went to Ingles and picked out a couple of movies to watch. We watched How To Train Your Dragon that night and it was an incredible movie. I absolutely loved it! I talked to Alex a little before bed and then I was glad to be able to fall asleep. :)

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