Thursday, January 6, 2011

Day 365

The last day of the year began sort of early in the North Carolina hotel room. I'd slept pretty good except for my brother stealing all of the covers (normally that's my job haha). We headed to Dad's parent's house for breakfast (once again another huge meal) and said our goodbye's before getting back on the road. Once again it was a 6.5 hour drive & by the end of it we were all tired of being stuck in a truck together. It was a good visit & I'm glad we could make it. That evening, Caleb had invited 4 friends over. Mom cooked Brunswick Stew & we all enjoyed eating it. Later, we went over to a fellow church member's home & lit off the fireworks. I tried to take pictures of them but I had issues & the fireworks turned out to be nothing really great. It was still fun. We went back to the house & watched some TV before watching the ball drop in New York City, New York. It's very hard to believe that 2010 has ended. It has been a very good year & I'm thankful for many, many things that happened in it. I did really enjoy completing the project 365 & I still can't believe it's over! It's been a great journey though.

Happy New Year, everybody! :)

Day 364

Thursday December 30, 2010. Our whole family woke up super early & we headed to North Carolina for a very quick visit to see Dad's family. It's a 6.5 hour drive each direction so yeah...lots of time on the road. We stopped on the way for bathroom breaks & food of course with one stop for fireworks in South Carolina. It was pretty cool...lots of snow was still on the ground from their previous 6 inches of snow. Yeah, that's more than my hometown had gotten haha. After getting to Dad's hometown we stopped by the hotel then went to his parent's house. Grandmom had fixed an enormous meal. We enjoyed eating & socializing with family for a while then we exchanged Christmas presents. Later we headed back to the hotel. It was a good visit that day. :)
day 364

Wednesday, December 29, 2010

Day 363

Today I was able to sleep in a little bit, which was nice. I plugged in my phone because it needed an update & I had bought a lot of new songs on iTunes that needed to put loaded. It was going to take a while so I just let it work. Dad wanted to do the same so I helped him get his phone started. Mom wanted to look through my pictures so she could print some, so we started the long process of looking through all of my pictures on the Mac (& believe me there are a whole lot). We took a break & watched some TV. Then Dad wanted to do a little bit more re-arranging in their bedroom so I went and plopped on their bed and helped when I needed. They ended up going through their things, cleaning & throwing old things, so I enjoyed looking at old pictures & such. Dad has two old pocket watches so I grabbed the coolest looking one & wandered around the house with it. I got a good number that I liked so that was a good photo day. Now we're watching Oprah & putting a pizza in the oven for supper.

Day 362

Tuesday December 28, 2010. I woke up wanting a relax-at-home day but that wasn't going to be the case. In order to prepare for our trip to Liberia this summer, we've got to get shots & passports. So we headed to the health department. :( I had to get 2 shots, the flu shot & a polio booster. They weren't fun at all but I'm glad they're done. Then we went to the court house so we could turn in our passport stuff. For lunch we ate taco bell. Going finally to walmart, I had made a list of things that I wanted to buy, I was happy to find everything on my list. We went back home & I sat around for a while. Caleb headed off to a youth conference and Mom, Dad, & I set out to re-arrange their bedroom. It took a couple of hours but it looks good. :)

Day 361

December 27. Caleb wasn't feeling good so he went to the doctor's this morning. Getting home with some medicine, Grandmom called saying she wanted to take Caleb shopping. Mom wanted to look for some more things so we headed into Macon and picked up Grandmom so she could come with us. One thing Caleb wanted was a jacket from Dick's so we headed there & he found the jacket! At the shoe carnival they had a special deal (buy 1 get 1 free) so I got 2 pairs of flats! We went back to the mall and walked around a little bit more. I made a side trip to Victoria Secret before meeting my family at Belk again. We left the mall & went to IHOP before dropping grandmom off back at home. After 2 shopping days, I am proud of myself for finding great deals :).

Day 360

December 26. It's sad that Christmas is already over. We all had a list of things that we wanted to buy with our Christmas money so we headed into Macon. First we went to the AT&T store to activate my new iPhone 4. We had to wait a while & the process took longer than I would have liked but we finally walked out of the store with my phone working, newly decorated in a beautiful pink & blue case. :) We next went to the mall. Dad & Caleb separated from Mom & I. We went to New York & Company and they had amazing deals so I bought some great new clothes. I was very excited. We then went to Belk to get Caleb some pants & I found some boots! Next was DSW & I bought some Sperry's. My last pair lasted about 5 years approximately haha so it was time for a new pair. We ate at Sticky Fingers & called it a day. We enjoyed watching Eclipse (one of my Christmas presents) back at home. :)

Day 359

Christmas Day started way too early. Caleb woke me up at 6:30am and then we went down & woke up Mom & Dad. We all enjoyed opening gifts and fun family time. I helped Mom fix breakfast: monkey bread and quiche. After eating and getting ready, we headed to Grandmom's for a Christmas dinner. We sat around and talked for a while before watching Julie and Julia. Hard to believe that Christmas has already come & gone! It was a very blessed day, though. :)