Wednesday, December 29, 2010

Day 363

Today I was able to sleep in a little bit, which was nice. I plugged in my phone because it needed an update & I had bought a lot of new songs on iTunes that needed to put loaded. It was going to take a while so I just let it work. Dad wanted to do the same so I helped him get his phone started. Mom wanted to look through my pictures so she could print some, so we started the long process of looking through all of my pictures on the Mac (& believe me there are a whole lot). We took a break & watched some TV. Then Dad wanted to do a little bit more re-arranging in their bedroom so I went and plopped on their bed and helped when I needed. They ended up going through their things, cleaning & throwing old things, so I enjoyed looking at old pictures & such. Dad has two old pocket watches so I grabbed the coolest looking one & wandered around the house with it. I got a good number that I liked so that was a good photo day. Now we're watching Oprah & putting a pizza in the oven for supper.

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