Thursday, December 23, 2010

Day 356

Wednesday was a much more productive day than Tuesday. I woke up & headed to my hair salon - West Mane - because I was in desperate need of a hair cut. I won't say what I got done because my dear boyfriend doesn't want to know until he sees me during break (not that he'll read this or anything...I'm just being safe). I do like my new hair cut for sure. I quickly went to the library & grabbed a few books before heading home. Not long after, I left again & headed to El Tejado to meet some friends from high school for lunch. There we met Lauren's brand new fiance...Will. From there, Lauren, Will, & I headed out to High Falls so we could take some engagement pictures! I had volunteered to take pictures of them but this was prior to their it all worked out great! We had a lot of fun taking pictures & I'm glad I'm getting more experience. At home, I made a run to Ingles with Mom so we could pick up some milk & movies to watch. We got Knight & Day, Despicable Me, & Eat, Pray, Love. We ordered Grits Burgers to-go and sat down to enjoy. We also made some buttermilk mints (amazing but oh so addicting little holiday treats) that we rolled up into little mints during our movie of the night: Eat, Pray, Love. I really enjoyed it & wouldn't mind watching it again!

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