Thursday, December 2, 2010

Day 336

Today has been a good day. I woke up early & showered so I could go with a classmate to a local middle school to judge science fair projects for extra credit. It was FREEZING this car was covered in ice! We judged a few projects apiece & my 2 projects were over pinhole cameras. One was horrible...the kid I think put a digital camera inside of the pinhole camera & her pictures were streaks of light. The other little boy did a really good job & his pictures actually came out! Getting back to the school I made sure I was prepared to present my case study in education and headed to psychology. I really enjoy psychology...we talked about bipolar and schizophrenia today. Education went fine & I was able to present my project. Now I am officially done with my education class for the semester! Then I turned in my music & am also finished with choir! I went back to my room for a bit before Alex called me & invited me to the UC. I followed Alex & Daryl back to their room where we played some super smash brothers. I'm actually pretty decent at that game! Alex had soccer practice so he left & I went and ate supper with Emily & Patrick and company. Now I have a dorm move out meeting soon then CSF! Then paper writing time haha.

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