Tuesday, December 21, 2010

Day 352

Saturday started earlier than a normal Saturday but that's fine with me. I had to help Mom prepare goodies for our family Christmas get together later that afternoon. I had cut a recipe off of the back of a bag of candy cane Hershey kisses just to see if Mom would ever make it & it turns out we were making it together! The recipe was for a cheesecake using the Hershey kisses so I was excited. We made the cake & it turned out alright but we didn't taste it yet. After finishing the rest of the cooking, we got everything together & headed off to Macon. We stopped at Yankee Candle to get some Christmas presents first and then went to pick up my Grandmom. We met my uncle & company at Cheddar's & after a too long wait we were finally seated. The food was very yummy & we headed back to Grandmom's house. We exchanged presents & ate the dessert. We were all tired once we got back to the house & I went to bed very early that night.

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