Wednesday, December 1, 2010

Day 334

Tuesday was another full day (of course, why wouldn't it be?) I woke up at 8:00 & finished my paper. I headed to my psychology class but I was stopped half way to class by a classmate telling me class was cancelled! I went back to my room & watched Monday night's House episode before going to my education class. After edu I went to choir like normal but I saw my choir director & he told me class had been cancelled. I didn't know that because I left rehearsal early, but oh well. I called Alex & he was out of class so we hung out for a while which was very nice. I ate a sort of early supper with Alex & Daryl before heading off to The Grand for the Christmas performance. It was pouring rain outside which caused a very interesting journey to the opera house. The performance went very well: full of choir performances, brass & string ensembles, & an opera singer. The house was pretty full which is great. There is also the possibility of us being featured on PBS next Christmas!! The filming would take place next October & we would be featured for PBS's Christmas 2011 feature. Pretty cool, huh? After the concert, I went and got out of that dress thankfully. (PS - it's still being held together by the fabric tape) I went & played some super smash brothers with Daryl & Alex before heading to bed. :)

PS - funny story about the picture. I went to Bear Necessities to treat myself to a hot chocolate & there was an advertisement for a Christmas peppermint cocoa. I was excited because I love peppermint hot chocolate so I asked the lady for a peppermint cocoa. She was like, don't you mean hot chocolate? I was like yes ma'am but wow...who doesn't know hot chocolate = cocoa??

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