Wednesday, October 27, 2010

Day 299

Tuesday wasn't quite as full as Monday but it still was very full. I woke up at 6:45 to shower and then hiked all of the way to the Mercer Police lot to get to my car, I was at field work for 2 hours, then I came back and had 3 full classes back to back to back, then I went to work because it was the only other day I could go in when everybody would be in the office, then I went to party city with Alex to look for Halloween stuff (which eventually failed), met up with Korin & Daryl at Party City who we ate with in the caf for supper, then I went to Rebekah's apartment where we watched Glee put on a Rocky Horror Glee Show. I then had to complete my laundry. After folding my clothes, I was able to go to bed at midnight. A full but very successful day, if I do say so myself. :)

Day 298

Monday was quite the full day. I woke up and showered before my 8:00, had breakfast with my group after my 8:00, ran away from the rain walking back to my dorm after breakfast, had photography where I sat for 45 minutes making a negative (which did turn out, thankfully), had lunch with the boyfriend, went to scientific inquiry, went to work until 5:30, went to Mikata's for my Dad's birthday dinner, made it back to campus in time to quickly go to my dorm before QuadWorks board at 7:30, went over to Alex's to ready psychology but really ended up watching TV, and going to bed probably about 11:30. Wow. Can you say full??

PS - Happy Birthday Dad!! :) Hope you had a great day.

Day 297

Sunday was a good day. CSF was taking a group to my home church and I was in charge! Rebekah, Meghyn, & I headed out at 9:00 to go to Sunday school and Alan and Bonnie met us at the church for the main service. We all enjoyed a very yummy lunch at church and headed back to campus. I tried to be productive, I had planned on it, really. What happened though was I sat on my butt watching TV and videos on my computer until supper time. Haha oh well...I do love procrastinating! :)

Tuesday, October 26, 2010

Day 296

I slept until 11 and after I got ready, I headed upstairs to find Alex & his mom just getting home from the doctor's - perfect timing! His mom made us bacon sandwiches and we watched some soccer on tv. Alex proceeded to fall asleep but his Mom and I had good conversation. His Dad and brother were at Stone Mountain and we were thinking about going but we ended up not. Later, Alex and I were driven around town by his mom doing some sight seeing. Forsyth county is muuch bigger than my Forsyth haha. We went back to his house and ate chili and rice before heading back to Mercer. :)

Day 295

Friday came and I was happy to see it. I had classes to attend and field work to observe. But after I went home with Alex. He had a doctor's appointment and invited me to go with him. We were only to stay until Saturday night but I was excited anyways. We had a nice evening with his family and I was ready for bed when the time came for it. :)

Day 294

Thursday was another Bear Brigade full day. After field work and classes, the distribution of Homecoming Tickets was to take place. The first 2 hours were for those who received priority tickets and from then on we would distribute the remainder of the tickets until they ran out. We went a little crazy in that tiny office waiting for the hour to arrive, apparently the Mercer campus was too because people lined up about 2 hours in advance. After a good time of distribution, the line finished and we still had tickets left over! This surprised us (especially since we're playing Harvard) but maybe people didn't want to waste time in line if they thought they wouldn't get a ticket. Oh well, the leftovers are going to be given out to more students on another distribution day.

Day 293

Wednesday was an extremely full and hectic day but it went very well. I had classes like normal but as soon as they were finished, I was absorbed by QuadWorks. Wednesday was our annual Mercer Madness - where we kick off basketball season. This year it was mine & Katie's responsibility to plan. It was our first event so we were nervous but excited about it all coming together. Last minute our band cancelled and our t-shirt printers decided to delay our order longer than we could handle. Very lucky for us, a Mercer employee helping with the logistics of the event was in a band so he said he'd bring everybody in so they could play for us. My boss set a deadline for our shirt order to be completed and when we arrived to pick them up, they were just being completed - perfect timing. The carnival equipment was being set up and was looking quite awesome. The s'more station was looking yummy and the cornhole tournament was setting up, too. Katie and I were breathing a sigh of relief as it all came together, that's for sure. Volunteers arrived and we all got at our separate stations and Mercer Madness began! Porter Patch was packed with people and everyone seemed excited about the event. The carnival games were lots of fun and the DJ & Band sounded great. We introduced the cheerleaders and basketball teams while the pep band played and hopefully Mercer students were getting excited about the upcoming basketball season. We then gave out Mercer t-shirts which was complete chaos...people really do love t-shirts for some reason. Katie had ordered more shirts than we thought we needed and it turns out we actually needed more! We ordered 425 shirts and we ran out...that means we probably had almost 500 in attendance! That is so great. Katie and I were so happy with how things turned out. Our first event was a complete success!! :)

Day 292

Tuesday was my calmest day of the week. I skipped field work because I woke up not feeling well, though I felt fine after a little while. Classes were fine, nothing special. That night I went to watch Glee with Rebekah but it was a re-run so it wasn't anything exciting.

Day 291

Monday October 18 was a fairly average day. I had classes and then work like normal. Supper was a little different than normal because I ate with my brother! Caleb's english class came to Mercer to attend some lecture and they ate at Frankar's so Alex & I joined them. His teacher was one that I had my sophomore year so I enjoyed catching up with him...& eating with Caleb. After dinner, I had quadworks board then I read psychology in the office for a little while. :)

Wednesday, October 20, 2010

Day 290

Sunday was a sort of early start, too, and when I woke up the windows were still sort of frosted. I took this opportunity to take my photo-of-the-day. ;) Church went well and we ate supper with our deacon and the rest of the deacon families. It was all sorts of yummy, home-cooking. After, I went home and chilled for a little bit. Once Caleb got ready to leave for choir, I got ready too and we both left the house together...Caleb with Dad of course. Getting back to school I unpacked all of my stuff and then finally got to see Alex. Good weekend overall, too short of course, but still nice & relaxing. :)

Day 289

Saturday welcomed me at about 5:45am. Caleb (& the rest of the cross country team) had a meet at Nash Farms (where I had my region meet senior year) and they had to arrive before 8:00. Whew. I got a pretty good amount of sleep so I wasn't too upset about getting up so early, though I wouldn't have done it if I didn't have to. We arrived at the course and there were lots of other teams there. Caleb's varsity boys meet consisted of about 200 people. That's a lot for one race. The top runner in the state was running, along with lots of other really good teams that normally don't race against Caleb's team. The number one guy finished at 16:00 on the keep in mind this is a 5K - 3.1 miles. He ran the race super fast - running each mile in about 5.16 minutes. Caleb finished in 39th place with a time of 18:07. Nearly 40 people finished in a 2 minute time span. Caleb wasn't happy with his time or place. He wanted to make the top 20 and break 18 minutes (like he's done before) but we were all extremely proud of his great run. The second guy to finish on his team came in around 100th place so Caleb did do really awesome. We stayed and watched the varsity girl's race...our number one girl placed in the top 10! And she's just a freshman! Caleb is a sophomore, too, so he's got lots of time to keep improving and eventually win a race as big as this one was. The #1 guy was a senior! After the girl's race, Mom, Dad, & I went home. We all took wonderful naps. Once I woke up, Mom and Dad had gone to the grocery store for a quick trip to get stuff for dinner and had picked Caleb up from the high school. Supper that night was a delicious low country boil - full of corn on the cob, fresh shrimp, sausage, and mini potatoes. :) Yummm.

Day 288

Friday was a lovely and much needed day. I went to bed at a decent time Thursday night (around 10:30) and I slept until 9:30. 11 hours of sleep = heaven! I sat around the house for a little bit but when Dad came home from work and invited me to go to Macon with him, I accepted the offer. We first dropped my car off at the shop so they could fix my break light and then we were off to the hospital so my Dad could visit one of our church member's family members. After the visit we headed back home and Dad took a nap while I watched TV. Later, we went to Walmart to buy some new windshield wiper blades for my car and picked Caleb up from cross country practice. After getting my car from the shop all perfect again, we went home to a lovely meal of spaghetti fixed by my wonderful mother. :) After a bit of TV, we all went to bed because Saturday was going to start way to early.

Day 287

The first day of fall break really wasn't unlike one of my normal days. I wasn't able to squeeze in my normal field work hours in the few days I had at school so I needed to go for a couple Thursday. I decided to have a very productive day so I went to work in the CBF office for a few hours then went to field work. I ate supper with the family and relaxed a little bit at home. Caleb had soccer practice, so when Mom and Dad took him there, I headed to Mercer to hang out with Rebekah for a little bit. When I finally fell into bed, I was super ready for sleep. :)

Day 286

Wednesday was a full day as well, but it was worth it. History was cancelled so I went to field work for a couple of hours. After Photography, I had lunch where I saw Alex the only time I would see him that day and for a few days. I then had Scientific Inquiry then I headed off to work until 5:00. After all of that I came back to school packed up my things, and headed home for FALL BREAK!! :)

Day 285

Tuesday October 12 was a full day. I went to 2 hours of field work and then had my classes to go to. I had a psychology test (which went well) so that added stress to the day. After classes, I had to attend the 2nd Education Field Work Seminar. It's basically pointless but that's ok. I went to the QuadWorks office afterwards to clean the office, since it was my week to clean! After I spent some time in there, I headed over to Rebekah's apartment and we watched Glee with one of her suitemates. :)

Tuesday, October 12, 2010

Day 284

Monday was a full day. Classes & work followed by QuadWorks stuff. After that, I settled down to study psychology for a test I had Tuesday. I made lots of flashcards and reviewed class notes and the 2 chapters in the book the test was over. Alex had a test Tuesday too so I went over to his room and quizzed him over the material. Thankfully I was in bed by 12:30. :)

Day 283

Sunday I slept in until 11 and it was so nice. I went and ate lunch with Alex and then we went back to his dorm and watched some Mythbusters. Yes I know - kind of lame but I don't care. :) Alex had a home club-soccer game so I went with him and watched. A woman I was sitting close to talked to me and she had some interesting stories. She was one of the people who helped make the soccer association what it is today! Pretty cool. Alex's team tied the game. We went back to campus and ate supper in the cafeteria. :)

Day 282

Saturday was kind of a slow day. I kept feeling like it was Sunday so it was a relief every time to remind myself I still had another day left of the weekend. I enjoyed sleeping in a little bit. I watched some of my TV shows online then I decided it was finally time to get moving. I had the last priority ticket game to attend (volleyball this time) so I headed over there. I had help for half of the time then I had to manage 4 clipboards at once. It was annoying and difficult but it ended before too long so that was nice. I then tried to settle down and study psychology. It was beautiful outside so I went out to The Quad to study. I didn't get too much done, I even took a little snooze but it felt so good outside! That evening Alex, Daryl, Korin, Jason, Brittany, and I went to the movies and watched The Social Network. I enjoyed was very interesting. We then went to Steak & Shake. Our waitress must've been working a while because she was kind of kookie but oh well, it was fun. :)

Day 281

Friday! :) Yay I always love Fridays. Classes went fine and after work, I was so ready to relax. A big group of us gathered in Alex's dorm and we watched a movie: The Prestige. It's a 2006 movie but I'd never heard of it. It turned out to be really good! I feel like it was almost on the same level of Inception! Anyways, I recommend it to all. :)

Day 280

Thursday October 7, 2010. I had field work and classes...with a lovely nap snuck somewhere in the midst of things. That night I went to CSF as usual and enjoyed a good mug of hot chocolate and a nice bible study. Before CSF though, I went and ate supper with my grandmother. She had asked me earlier in the week if I was interested in joining her for supper one day so of course I said yes. We had great fellowship & of course yummy food. :)

Day 279

Wednesday was a much more relaxing day. Well of sorts haha. I had classes then I went to work. I hung out with Alex a little and we went and grabbed supper. We ate over at Rebekah's apartment and I was glad to be able to see her...especially since we never get to see each other. I was able to go to bed at a pretty decent time too, which was very nice. :)

Day 278

Tuesday. Pretty normal day. I went to field work again for 2 hours and then had my 3 classes. That evening, I headed over to Aimee's apartment for a CSF officers meeting. She cooked us a yummy meal of spaghetti and we discussed some much needed topics.

Day 277

Monday October 4, 2010. I can't remember much from that day but I do know after classes and work, QuadWorks was the main priority. I met with Katie and we discussed some BearBrigade things and then we had our weekly board meeting. Lots and lots of things for homecoming/Mercer madness are coming up very fast and it's kind of getting overwhelming. But I'm excited about what's in store. :)

Saturday, October 9, 2010

Day 276

Sunday. I didn't get to sleep in again either because I visited Highland Hills Baptist Church with CSF. Only Aimee and I went but I still enjoyed the service. I knew the ministers through my dad so it was nice to visit with them after the service. A few of the ministers took us out to eat to The Mellow Mushroom. Aimee and I split a pizza and it was very delicious. I noticed that there was gluten free dough available for pizza so I took a picture on my phone and sent it to Rebekah...since that's the only way she can eat pizza. After, Aimee dropped me off at Target where I met Rebekah for a little shopping afternoon we had planned. We went from there to Michael's (where I bought a little metal box to be made into my pinhole camera) and then to Ross. We each tried on a lot of clothes and shoes and I walked away with a dress, two shirts, and a pair of shoes for around $40. That is what I call success. :) Unfortunately, the only picture I took that day was of the gluten free advertisement. This is the first day I didn't take a picture with my actual camera and I was pretty ticked at myself for that. At least I did take a picture, no matter how bad the quality.

Day 275

Saturday, October 2, 2010 was a full day for me. I got to sleep in zero. It was Saturday Preview Day time on Mercer's campus and I was signed up to work the morning shift. It all went well though and I hopefully showed just how awesome Mercer is to many curious high school seniors. I was willing to work the morning shift (& actually asked for it) because I wanted to attend my friend from church's wedding! She was getting married just on the edges of Forsyth at a family member's farm. She got married directly beside an old country home, surrounded by white chairs, in a circle of beautiful, red rose petals. It was a very simple but beautiful ceremony and I enjoyed watching and taking a few pictures. The reception was down the hill in a barn, that luckily had been empty for a while so there was no worry about animals. The bride and her mother had seen and copied an idea that I found utterly adorable. All of the guests put their finger in one of three shades of green ink and made a finger print on a previously drawn tree - making the barren tree full of beautiful leaves! Everybody signed by their finger print, making a unique and pretty piece of artwork out of a guest list. :) The barn was decorated, of course, and it looked very nice. The bride's father works for Coca-Cola so the guests had a choice of all of the coke products in glass bottles! I love a glass-bottled coke, they taste the best in my opinion. Other than the standard food table, a table of candy was set up. Little brown bags were available so we could take home what candy we wished. After the reception, I headed home for a little bit with my family. We all headed toward Macon with some of Caleb's friends and watched The Town. It was too violent for my taste, though it had a good story line. A good Saturday, if I do say so myself. :)

Day 274

October 1st, 2010 - TGIF! - 1 Year Anniversary with my wonderful boyfriend, Alex. :)

For the first part of the day, Friday was pretty standard. I had history, breakfast, hour break, photography, and scientific inquiry. After, I had to complete an hour of field work and then I ran to target (not literally thank goodness) to pick up Alex's anniversary card & gift (a picture frame - how appropriate =]). After, I was super glad to finally be able to see Alex. He had made our plans for the evening and was not going to tell me what they were. So, we went to my room and grabbed my camera and then we were off to some unknown destination. Once we arrived in Jackson, he told me that we were going to High Falls state park. We had gone there once before just as a random, let's-get-away-from-campus trip and we had a really good time. Remembering that day, he thought we would enjoy ourselves again. I really enjoyed going so I could spend some quality time with Alex and also the park is just beautiful no matter what part you're looking at. After exploring for a bit, we ended our time at High Falls by carving our names into the wooden railing to join the countless other names that had been carved over the years. We then headed back to Macon and ate at O'Charley's. It was yummy as usual. :) Getting back to campus, we relaxed in his dorm and watched a movie before parting for bed. What a lovely anniversary - thanks honey. :)