Saturday, October 9, 2010

Day 275

Saturday, October 2, 2010 was a full day for me. I got to sleep in zero. It was Saturday Preview Day time on Mercer's campus and I was signed up to work the morning shift. It all went well though and I hopefully showed just how awesome Mercer is to many curious high school seniors. I was willing to work the morning shift (& actually asked for it) because I wanted to attend my friend from church's wedding! She was getting married just on the edges of Forsyth at a family member's farm. She got married directly beside an old country home, surrounded by white chairs, in a circle of beautiful, red rose petals. It was a very simple but beautiful ceremony and I enjoyed watching and taking a few pictures. The reception was down the hill in a barn, that luckily had been empty for a while so there was no worry about animals. The bride and her mother had seen and copied an idea that I found utterly adorable. All of the guests put their finger in one of three shades of green ink and made a finger print on a previously drawn tree - making the barren tree full of beautiful leaves! Everybody signed by their finger print, making a unique and pretty piece of artwork out of a guest list. :) The barn was decorated, of course, and it looked very nice. The bride's father works for Coca-Cola so the guests had a choice of all of the coke products in glass bottles! I love a glass-bottled coke, they taste the best in my opinion. Other than the standard food table, a table of candy was set up. Little brown bags were available so we could take home what candy we wished. After the reception, I headed home for a little bit with my family. We all headed toward Macon with some of Caleb's friends and watched The Town. It was too violent for my taste, though it had a good story line. A good Saturday, if I do say so myself. :)

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