Saturday, October 9, 2010

Day 274

October 1st, 2010 - TGIF! - 1 Year Anniversary with my wonderful boyfriend, Alex. :)

For the first part of the day, Friday was pretty standard. I had history, breakfast, hour break, photography, and scientific inquiry. After, I had to complete an hour of field work and then I ran to target (not literally thank goodness) to pick up Alex's anniversary card & gift (a picture frame - how appropriate =]). After, I was super glad to finally be able to see Alex. He had made our plans for the evening and was not going to tell me what they were. So, we went to my room and grabbed my camera and then we were off to some unknown destination. Once we arrived in Jackson, he told me that we were going to High Falls state park. We had gone there once before just as a random, let's-get-away-from-campus trip and we had a really good time. Remembering that day, he thought we would enjoy ourselves again. I really enjoyed going so I could spend some quality time with Alex and also the park is just beautiful no matter what part you're looking at. After exploring for a bit, we ended our time at High Falls by carving our names into the wooden railing to join the countless other names that had been carved over the years. We then headed back to Macon and ate at O'Charley's. It was yummy as usual. :) Getting back to campus, we relaxed in his dorm and watched a movie before parting for bed. What a lovely anniversary - thanks honey. :)

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