Tuesday, October 12, 2010

Day 282

Saturday was kind of a slow day. I kept feeling like it was Sunday so it was a relief every time to remind myself I still had another day left of the weekend. I enjoyed sleeping in a little bit. I watched some of my TV shows online then I decided it was finally time to get moving. I had the last priority ticket game to attend (volleyball this time) so I headed over there. I had help for half of the time then I had to manage 4 clipboards at once. It was annoying and difficult but it ended before too long so that was nice. I then tried to settle down and study psychology. It was beautiful outside so I went out to The Quad to study. I didn't get too much done, I even took a little snooze but it felt so good outside! That evening Alex, Daryl, Korin, Jason, Brittany, and I went to the movies and watched The Social Network. I enjoyed it...it was very interesting. We then went to Steak & Shake. Our waitress must've been working a while because she was kind of kookie but oh well, it was fun. :)

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