Saturday, October 9, 2010

Day 276

Sunday. I didn't get to sleep in again either because I visited Highland Hills Baptist Church with CSF. Only Aimee and I went but I still enjoyed the service. I knew the ministers through my dad so it was nice to visit with them after the service. A few of the ministers took us out to eat to The Mellow Mushroom. Aimee and I split a pizza and it was very delicious. I noticed that there was gluten free dough available for pizza so I took a picture on my phone and sent it to Rebekah...since that's the only way she can eat pizza. After, Aimee dropped me off at Target where I met Rebekah for a little shopping afternoon we had planned. We went from there to Michael's (where I bought a little metal box to be made into my pinhole camera) and then to Ross. We each tried on a lot of clothes and shoes and I walked away with a dress, two shirts, and a pair of shoes for around $40. That is what I call success. :) Unfortunately, the only picture I took that day was of the gluten free advertisement. This is the first day I didn't take a picture with my actual camera and I was pretty ticked at myself for that. At least I did take a picture, no matter how bad the quality.

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