Tuesday, October 26, 2010

Day 293

Wednesday was an extremely full and hectic day but it went very well. I had classes like normal but as soon as they were finished, I was absorbed by QuadWorks. Wednesday was our annual Mercer Madness - where we kick off basketball season. This year it was mine & Katie's responsibility to plan. It was our first event so we were nervous but excited about it all coming together. Last minute our band cancelled and our t-shirt printers decided to delay our order longer than we could handle. Very lucky for us, a Mercer employee helping with the logistics of the event was in a band so he said he'd bring everybody in so they could play for us. My boss set a deadline for our shirt order to be completed and when we arrived to pick them up, they were just being completed - perfect timing. The carnival equipment was being set up and was looking quite awesome. The s'more station was looking yummy and the cornhole tournament was setting up, too. Katie and I were breathing a sigh of relief as it all came together, that's for sure. Volunteers arrived and we all got at our separate stations and Mercer Madness began! Porter Patch was packed with people and everyone seemed excited about the event. The carnival games were lots of fun and the DJ & Band sounded great. We introduced the cheerleaders and basketball teams while the pep band played and hopefully Mercer students were getting excited about the upcoming basketball season. We then gave out Mercer t-shirts which was complete chaos...people really do love t-shirts for some reason. Katie had ordered more shirts than we thought we needed and it turns out we actually needed more! We ordered 425 shirts and we ran out...that means we probably had almost 500 in attendance! That is so great. Katie and I were so happy with how things turned out. Our first event was a complete success!! :)

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