Wednesday, October 27, 2010

Day 299

Tuesday wasn't quite as full as Monday but it still was very full. I woke up at 6:45 to shower and then hiked all of the way to the Mercer Police lot to get to my car, I was at field work for 2 hours, then I came back and had 3 full classes back to back to back, then I went to work because it was the only other day I could go in when everybody would be in the office, then I went to party city with Alex to look for Halloween stuff (which eventually failed), met up with Korin & Daryl at Party City who we ate with in the caf for supper, then I went to Rebekah's apartment where we watched Glee put on a Rocky Horror Glee Show. I then had to complete my laundry. After folding my clothes, I was able to go to bed at midnight. A full but very successful day, if I do say so myself. :)

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