Thursday, September 30, 2010

Day 273

Today! Thursday September 30. I had a basic normal day, too. Well I went to 2 more hours of field work but for the next 6 weeks that is going to be continued. In education today, one of my friends almost said "It's one day to Halloween!" She caught herself but that just shows how tired and busy we are and how much we need our weekends. Haha one more month Jessica, one more month. In choir we had an ice-cream social and played some icebreaker games. Half of the choir is freshman and for some reason the freshman class is super quiet. Our choir last year was always so loud and talkative when we were allowed to be but this choir is just quiet and really awkward sometimes. This was suppose to help. The icecream was yummy and we had tons of toppings to choose from and the games we played were fun. :) After, I headed over to Emily's apartment to show her the pictures and she was happy with what I came up with. I then went to work and finished what I had started on Wednesday. Getting back, I watched House and Bones episodes that I'd missed. Our next championship soccer intramural game was tonight at 7:30 so I headed over with Bonnie about 7:15. We played a really good team and ended up loosing 5-2. It was a fun game and a really enjoyable season. Can't wait until next year, Misfits! :) After a good SubWay for supper, I'm back in the dorm ready to shower and sleep and excited for a great weekend! :)

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