Sunday, September 19, 2010

Day 258

While Monday & Tuesday were not very exciting, Wednesday was very full. I went to class as usual but the different thing on the 15th was that in my pinhole photography class, we had our first critique. This is where we choose one of our prints we have made that we have also edited on PhotoShop to show to the whole class and our professor tells us how to make it better or fix it if necessary. This process took about an hour and a half but thankfully we had done better editing jobs than his 8:00 class so we didn't have to hear the PhotoShop lecture again. I ate lunch with Alex and then I had scientific inquiry again. I decided to not go to work on Wednesday because my evening was so full. That left me room to take about an hour nap...oh and it was so heavenly. I woke up and went to the library to meet some education friends so we could discuss our group project coming up. After that, we headed to the education building to have our field work orientation for the semester. We got released from that earlier than expected so I went and changed and got to play in a little bit of the second half of my intramural team's soccer game. I didn't effect anything because we were already winning by a great deal because of the goals scored in the first half - when I was stuck in a classroom. I slept quite well after a full Wednesday.

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