Thursday, September 2, 2010

Day 245

Today has been another full but good day. I woke up at 7:00 (because I went to bed so early last night I made a deal that I'd wake up and do homework). I showered and got ready and read part of my chapter for psychology. I went in for my QuadWork office hour & continued reading Psych. I'm really enjoying it so far...learning lots, too. Psychology was fine and then I went straight to Education then I went straight to choir. I'm really excited about choir...the songs are great, the conductor is awesome, and we have great potential! Afterwards, I gathered my things from my room and went to work. After 2 hours, I headed back to school and grabbed subway. I ate it in the dorm and here I sit with Ashley while we watch Bones on TV. CSF is in 30 minutes and I'm excited for another good meeting! :)

I love life! =]

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