Saturday, September 18, 2010

Day 254

Saturday was a VERY full day. I was able to sleep in a little bit..until about 10. I know that isn't much at all but it's better than during the week at least. I showered and got dressed in my Admissions polo, khaki shorts, sperry's, and my "Happy Mercer" spirit. That meant it was time for a Saturday Preview Day! Thankfully I only had to work the 2nd shift. We were fed barbeque for lunch (& it was really good) and I sat with a potential holistic child education major. That made me very excited because it is a rare occurrence to talk to someone interested in my major. Afterwards, I went to the music building for a session on "Musical Careers in the 20th Century". Though I couldn't really say much towards this I at least am involved in the music school. It was a small session (though it normally is) and went well. I went to a session for transfer students next and no one showed up. That's ok though because only 1 transfer student came to the preview day! I got done with the session, signed out, grabbed some free breakfast chick-fil-a biscuits and headed back to my dorm. After sharing with Ashley, I changed clothes and went to Alex's soccer game. He won (!) happily but time had gone by fast than expected and I was late to my next event! It was time for the first of the year's Girl's Nights! Time to get away from the guys and eat yummy fruit dipped in chocolate. Oh my that was very dangerous...especially once the pretzels were pulled out! :) We watched House Bunnies and had a wonderful time. :) I love Girl's Nights!!

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