Sunday, September 19, 2010

Day 259

Thursday I woke up early, hopped in the shower, got dressed, grabbed my psychology and headed to the QuadWorks office. I had a chapter to read for class and office hours to fulfill. I finished my chapter and ended up spending most of my required time in the office. I went over on my hours a week or so before so hopefully they even out. If not, that is no worry because it is easy to make up time. I went to my classes and then back to work. After work we had another intramural soccer game and this time I was able to play the whole time. Unfortunately I was required to play the full time...well that isn't a bad thing but the circumstances made it a bad thing. For co-rec intramural soccer teams, 4 girls & 4 guys are required to play a full-teamed match. If you are running short on girls then too bad, you'll have to play down how ever many you're missing because guys can't fill girl's spots. So, since I was one of two girls who showed up, my team was forced to play 2 players down. This is the first time this has happened and we all have learned to appreciate having all of our team show up because we were slaughtered 9-1. I do believe that if all of our team had been present, we probably would have had a good chance of winning but oh well. We'll just have to beat them next time. :)

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