Sunday, September 5, 2010

Day 248

Today: Sunday September 5, 2010. I can't believe that this month is already to day 5...whew. Anyways I slept until 10:00 and piddled around doing I'm not even sure what. I got dressed and ready and about 12:30, Mom called saying they were leaving Forsyth and heading for Macon. That was my cue to also start driving but to head in the opposite direction to meet them in the middle. We met my grandmother at Carrabba's for a lunch of pasta. I got something similar to a seafood manicotti and it was very yummy. It was a good lunch and I was glad to see my family again. I got back to campus and was very happy to be able to park in the lot infront of my dorm...this is all thanks to the people who went home for the long weekend. I came back to my dorm and decided that I wanted to walk around campus and take some pictures. It is beginning to feel like fall and since it was such a beautiful day, I really enjoyed my walk...especially since campus was basically empty. I got back to the room and decided it was time for laundry! There were a couple of washers open so I just crossed my fingers that a drier would be open when I needed one. I loaded my pictures while my clothes washed and started updating the blog. I went down to transfer my clothes, and thankfully (oh so thankfully) there was just one drier open. That's all that I need so I was very happy with that! Now I'm waiting on my clothes to dry and I'm still updating the blog haha. Once I get my clothes I'll fold them and then work on some homework. I need to shower too because tomorrow morning I am not going to be able to sleep in until 10:00 or 11:00. Tomorrow morning, my parents and brother are running in the Labor Day Road Race from Vineville Baptist Church to Central City Park. My brother hopes to make PR (personal record) by breaking 19:00 minutes on the 5K (3.1 miles). He is very close to this goal...since he ran 19:18 on his last meet. My grandmother and I always go and cheer them on so, since I can't break the tradition, I am going to go again. That means waking up at 7:00 (am of course) and heading towards Central City Park for the race to start at 7:45. This time, Alex is going to go with me! I'm very excited about going and watching them run and then enjoying a delicious breakfast as a family....still most likely before the majority of the population wakes up. :)

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