Sunday, September 5, 2010

Day 246

Friday August 3, 2010. Waking up at 7:30 was not fun to say the least but since it was Friday, I was ok with it. :) History went fine but breakfast afterwards was much better. Since we got out of history a little bit early, I figured I'd go to the bookstore to pick up my final book which had been delivered to the bookstore. I got to the entrance about 8:45 but they didn't open until 9:00...which I didn't know until I got there. They saw me knocking at the door but wouldn't let me in. The woman said she'd go get my order for me but for some reason didn't. The manager (I think) saw me standing there, along with 2 other people, and decided to open the door like 5 minutes early. Thanks a lot dude. Anyways, one of the girls working told me to go back to the corner to pickup my book. I went and she didn't show up. The original lady saw me and looked at me like I was doing something wrong. Anyways, she got me my book and I was finally off to the caf. Meghyn was there before me so we both got food and sat down to eat. Daryl had seen us eating before but didn't eat with us...Friday he did sit down and eat with us. We had a lovely conversation and I'm glad I have Meghyn and Daryl to eat with MWF. :) I went back to my dorm and chilled before Photography. I grabbed my paper & camera and left the dorm with Ashley. I got to the class a little early so I sat and waited for everyone else to arrive and for class to start. The rest of the cameras were dispersed and we were off to begin shooting for the day! I went and my first shot was of the Math Building. I went in and developed my negative and showed it to Dr. Blackburn. He told me that my paper was fogged...which either means that the camera leaked light or my paper got pre-exposed to light. He gave me some of his photopaper and when I developed it, it came back without any fogging. That probably means that my paper got pre-exposed. Anyways, I took another exposure with my own paper and it came back fogged again. I'll have to ask him Tuesday what I should do about it...most likely buy more paper. I was off to education then and nothing special happened there. I went to Alex's after class briefly because he was going home for the weekend and I needed to tell him goodbye before he left. After that I went to work and helped put together mail outs for 2 hours. Getting back to campus, I went over to Rebekah and Emily's apartment and relaxed with them (and Blake) until Rebekah's mom and sister arrived. A little bit after they arrived, Emily and I tagged along with the Goforth's to go eat and to the movies. We ate at Cheddar's (yummy) and then walked around Kohl's and ate Marble Slab icecream (I got cookie dough with chunks of cookie dough) until our movie started. We watched Going the Distance and we all enjoyed it. Getting back to campus, Rebekah told her mom and sister goodbye for the night and I went back into their apartment for a little bit. We tried to watch Date Night but we were all falling asleep so I bid the girls adieu and headed back to my own dorm. Ashley was home so it was very quiet in the room. I slept well though....glad to be enjoying the weekend. :)

This is the image I took on my professor's paper but it was also my favorite of the 3 shots I made. :)

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