Thursday, September 2, 2010

Day 244

Wednesday September 1st, 2010. Hard to believe that September is already here! I remember New Year's like it was last week. Anyways - another hard to believe thing about September the 1st is that that is Alex & my 11 month anniversary! :) I woke up about 7:20 and got ready and headed to History. Discussion was pretty normal and I felt like he finally covered information out of the book. I went to breakfast with Meghyn and then drove to Coke's to buy photo paper for my pinhole photography class. I got back to campus and went by the bookstore to get some more supplies for class. Photography started at 11:00 and I was pretty excited. Our professor made everybody a pinhole camera to use before we make our own...and to make sure that we actually had a camera that works haha. We were given our cameras and they're so cute! Just little wooden boxes 3.5''x5.5''x4.75''. :) (Yes I am the lame one who just measured it) We went into the dark room, cut our paper, loaded the cameras, went outside and lined up on a brick wall. On his cue, we removed the "shutter" (a strip of electrical tape) and then closed it after about 15 seconds. My first image! Yay! :) After, we went back inside we went into the darkroom again and our professor took us through the chemical process to develop the pictures. Though it didn't come out as much, I am proud of my beautiful artwork. =D I dropped my camera off in my room, and went with Lorin to lunch. After, I went to scientific inquiry and we did a sort of experiment thing...yeah that class isn't going to be my favorite. I went to work for an hour and a half before heading back to campus for a Bear Brigade meeting about homecoming/Mercer Madness. Afterwards I was say the least. I ate supper with the group and then decided to crash early. By 10:30 I was in bed and I was asleep...oh it was amazing. :)
PS - I know it's inverted...that's how they all come out...I don't have the technology on my computer to switch the black & you have to put up with this how it is. :)

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