Tuesday, August 31, 2010

Day 243

Today! Yay...I've finally caught up! I tell you...it sure is touch to catch up after the days happened a week ago. Anyways, I had to start my office hours today (I'm required to have 2 office hours a week for QuadWorks in order to fulfill my requirements). I chose my hours to be from 9-10 Tuesday & Thursday mornings because I have nothing during those times & I'd rather go ahead and get everything done early before class rather than have something else after class to do. I had a little bit of trouble getting into the office but once I did, I did some research for Bear Brigade and emails that needed to be done about QuadWorks. I ate breakfast in the office too and once my hour was up, I went back to my dorm to grab stuff for class. Psychology went pretty well. I'm enjoying it so far and hope I continue to do so. We were talking about some characteristics of people that are either/or (a gene with only 2 alleles) like having the ability to roll your tongue, or having your earlobes attached to your head, or being able to raise one eyebrow at a time, or having dimples...stuff like that. It was pretty cool to see who had/could do what. The coolest I think was when he asked who couldn't roll their tongue. 25% of the world's population cannot because it's the recessive gene (something like that) and it was almost exactly 25% of our class who couldn't! Like 10/40...almost exact. Well at least I thought it was cool. :) We got out like 10 minutes early so I met Alex outside of his dorm and he walked me about 10 feet to my next class. I had education next and I bought a snack out of the snack machine because I didn't have time to eat. Edu went well and we got out just as we were suppose to...which of course left me like 10 minutes to get to choir. Lovely. I made it with plenty of time and I just know I'll get in good shape basically running across campus every day. :) Choir went well...I'm really excited about the music and members. Though half of the class is freshmen, we have a good sound & of course and awesome director so I can't wait to hear how we sound once we learn the music! After class, I went to a Mercer Madness (March Madness but just for us) meeting with a couple of QuadWorks people and the basketball coaches. We planned what we wanted to do for MM & I'm excited about it! I went and said Hello to Alex for a few minutes because we're both so busy I didn't know if I'd get to see him again or not. After, I went and checked on my friends on Sherwood 1st and we decided to go on to an early supper. We went directly to the UC (didn't want to face another caf supper with no good food) and we all ate either Subway or Chick-Fil-A. Yummy yummy. :) Great fellowship for sure. I'm really excited for this year (for multiple reasons) but definitely because I'm making new friends while still keeping my old ones! I love new friends!! :) Now my hands are tired from typing and my eyelids are getting heavy and my brain is slowing down. I have to read some history and scientific inquiry before bed, but I tell you - bed will be a very welcoming thing when the time for sleep comes! :)

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