Saturday, August 7, 2010

Day 219

Today has been a sort of quiet day. I went to bed at 10:30 last night because I was so tired and my body wouldn't let me sleep past 9:00 this morning. Oh well...ten and a half hours isn't too bad. I went downstairs and Mom and Dad were working hard on fixing the beans/peas to be frozen and cutting up the peaches for the same purpose. I lounged around for a while and eventually got my computer and camera for something to do. I got a macro filter and grabbed a vase of zenias my mom had put together and sat on the floor in the sun so I could get some shots. I love macro's so much fun. Especially with these macro filters...I have to buy myself some of these! Later, I tried to peel and cut up a peach but it proved more difficult than I had wanted it to. A little after 12, I went up and showered because Mom and I were off to a bridal shower for a girl at our church! I think it went well and she got a lot of nice gifts. We got home and chilled out for a while. Now, I'm updating my blog and Mom and Dad are off to another event tonight. It's hard to believe...I'll be moved back into Mercer before I know it! :)

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