Sunday, August 15, 2010

Day 227

Today! It is so hard to believe that it is already August 15, 2010. I can still remember clearly trying to write 2010 instead of 2009! Church went well this morning. I was the only person other than my teachers in my Sunday school class this morning. I like having other people in there with me but it wasn't as bad as I thought it could be. I sat with Mom as usual during the main church surface. It's kind of sad because I probably won't be home this time next week. I'm excited to move back to Mercer and see all of my friends again but I will definitely miss my family a lot once I'm back in Macon. Dad had a deacon's meeting so Mom, Caleb, and I headed home. We were not quite sure what to eat for dinner but I came up with the idea of sausage biscuits and everyone liked the idea so that's what we ate, along with peaches. We turned on Did You Hear About the Morgan's? and I enjoyed watching it and fiddling around on the computer while Mom and Caleb took a nap. Caleb had to head off to choir so he hopped on his bike and was off to church. I left to return the DVD's to Ingles and also to drive around town to find something to take a picture of. I went to a lot of places. Through the square, by the high school and middles school, down Montpelier Road, and back the long way home. My last photos were of a railroad crossing sign and I knew that they would be my favorite. When I got back home, I made a bologna sandwich. I sad down to eat it and I texted Alex. The second that it was sent, I received a text from Alex! It seems we sent each other a text at the exact same time. Perfect timing. I am now watching mythbusters with my wonderful family. :)

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