Tuesday, August 31, 2010

Day 238

Thursday was the first real day of class in my opinion. They all went well and after class, I met up with Alex and we headed to Forsyth. Caleb had a home cross country meet and he wanted us to go and watch him run. It was nice to see Mom and Dad again...though like always they are helping run the meet...direct traffic and lead the runners. Grandmom arrived just as the guys were starting so she, Alex, & I trekked around the course so we could watch the runners at specific points. Caleb was in 1st place probably for 2/3rds of the race and finished in 2nd place with the awesome time of 19:18. Yay! :) We didn't have time to watch the girl's race because Alex had soccer practice back in Macon. I sat in the car while he was practicing and did homework...with a run to McDonald's when I got hungry. After his practice ended, we headed back to school. I immediately parked and went to Jittery Joe's coffee shop for the first meeting of the year for CSF! There was a good turnout and I'm excited for a great year. :)

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