Saturday, August 7, 2010

Day 218

Yesterday, I woke up around 7:30 and got ready to head off to Six Flags. I took my picture for the day while I was getting ready because I was worried that I wouldn't have the time or energy once I got back home that night. Mom had put some zenias into my bathroom so I used them as the photo's subject. I do enjoy having them in there...they're such a pretty spotlight on my sink! So I left the house about 9:30 and headed towards Atlanta. I made it to six flags in about an hour and fifteen minutes but the most annoying part of the journey was waiting in line to park! Once I had parked, Alex parked next to me and we walked together to the main gate to meet everyone else who had already arrived. Eventually, 13 people showed up (including the two birthday people) so I think that was a pretty good turnout. We started off riding Goliath (I was pretty nervous about it but it turned out just fine) and it was so hot that we decided to hit a water ride next. The water ride line was just as long as the line for Goliath but we were happy once we had finally settled into the huge tube. It was a river rafting type ride and so of course, everybody at least got a little wet. That helped to cool us off some but we were hungry then so it was time for lunch. It was already getting late into the afternoon...time was going by pretty fast. I ate a good BBQ sandwich and we were off again. Some people wanted to ride the Scream Machine but the majority still wanted to let lunch digest so we went next to Gotham City. We rode the Batman coaster and then Mind Bender. We all gathered again and looking at the sky, it looked like a storm was approaching. We thought that it would go by quickly, but no such luck - it started thundering and lightening and we were shooed away from our shelter under an umbrella. We took refuge under a bridge (along with a large number of other people from the park) before the bottom dropped out. A river started flowing under the bridge it was raining so much. A lot of people got caught in the rain but they really just passed through the bridge and probably headed on to their cars. We stood around for a while not sure of what to do but eventually we all said goodbye and headed off towards our vehicles. It was a shame we had to call things quits so early but I at least had fun despite the horrible heat and annoying rain. It was good to see some of my Mercer friends again...I'm ready for everybody to move in so we can see each other every day! I got to my car, tried to dry off a little, and headed on out towards home. I got home and watched a couple of movies with my parents...Caleb was at a Braves Game. So overall, I had a good day. :)
PS - Happy early birthday, Rebekah and Blake! :)

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