Thursday, August 12, 2010

Day 222

Tuesday was a very, very, VERY full day. I woke up and got ready to head into Macon at the usual time but instead of immediately heading to work, I headed to my eye doctor's office downtown. I had normal checkup so nothing to get worried about but, like always, I have to get my eyes dilated...not cool. Though I can tell the formula has improved, I really do despise getting my eyes dilated because you can't focus on anything up close and your eyes are extra sensitive to sunlight. Anyways, so after a long appointment consisting of mainly waiting, I went to work. On the way back, I was stopped at the stop sign at the intersection of College Street and Riverside Drive. I photographed the College Street sign because I figured it was fitting since I start back to school very near that street in just over a week! That is so hard to believe. Anyways, so I worked my alloted time at work and then immediately headed to my Grandmother's (also in Macon). She had called me on Monday saying that she wanted to take me out to eat to Red Lobster so that was where I headed Tuesday after work. We ended up eating at 5:00 because I had a schedule to keep. I hated that I had to eat and run, but I enjoyed my time with Grandmom. As soon as I left her house, I drove home to pick up my brother to drive him back to Macon to the movies. I got him to the movie just before it started (he saw Dinner with Schmucks) and then I wandered around Zebulon Road until it ended. I had to buy contact solution at Walgreen's and then I went to Khol's. I talked to Alex a little in the parking lot on the phone because we were both bored haha. Then it got too hot in my car so I talked to him while wandering around the store. I ran into some friends from high school so I had some good conversations with them. Caleb's movie ended so we headed to Chick-Fil-A to get milkshakes (strawberry for me and cookies and cream for him) before heading home. Whew...can you say what a day? :)

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