Sunday, August 15, 2010

Day 226

Saturday was a lot slower of a day compared to Friday. I slept in a little bit and then relaxed at the house with Alex while my parents were off running errands and Caleb was rafting with the youth group from church. Mom got home from grocery shopping so I helped her unload and put away the food she bought. I fixed Alex lunch and after he ate, I fixed myself a sandwich, too. He had to leave not long after so he could get home in time to watch his sister cheer with her Cheer Squad at a Gwinnett Braves Game. I went and watched some TV and took a nice nap. Dad and Caleb made it home and all of a sudden, the bottom dropped out! It was pouring and the sun was still shining. During the shower, we all drove to the church to look at a few things and coming home, we ordered some pizza from a place downtown Forsyth. Caleb had invited a couple of friends over to watch scary movies, play video games, and stay up late. Once one had arrived, we went and picked up the pizza. After eating it, we all decided that though the pizza was alright, we had all had better and it really wasn't worth as much as it cost. Caleb's second friend arrived and we went to go check out some movies from Ingles. They rented Repo Men and Shutter Island as scary movies (apparently nothing really fit their bill for a good scary movie) and I got Did You Hear About the Morgan's? The whole family plus Caleb's friends watched Repo Men. The story line wasn't bad but (though I kind of expected it) there was a whole lot of blood and body parts. So I didn't watch all of it haha. The sane people went to bed then and the boys stayed up until about 2:00 this morning playing x-box my parents annoyance of course. :)

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