Tuesday, August 31, 2010

Day 240

Saturday! I slept in a little bit I think Saturday morning. Eventually, I made my way over to Alex's dorm and hung out with him for a while. I watched he play video games with his roommates until we got hungry then we went to Ron & Cheng's to eat. That is like my favorite-discovery-from-last-year-restaurant. Once you've tried it, you basically love it. It is Southern food plus Chinese food all perfectly seasoned. Just plain wonderful. Plus it's pretty cheap! So yeah - we all love it. :) After eating & more video games, Alex and I wandered over to one of our friend's apartments. Some girls over there had already begun the baking process for some brownies/cake and the rest of the people were playing more video games. I tried my hand at a game or two of mario smash brothers but I definitely failed at those attempts. We ate the yummie goodies and played some Wii...I'm better at that...I promise. :) A fun evening with friends is always lovely.

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