Tuesday, August 31, 2010

Day 242

Monday, August 30, 2010. I woke up about 7:15 for my 8:00 history class. I decided before class that once class was over I could just go back to sleep for an hour and a half or so before my next class. That didn't happen because I got hungry and went to the caf for breakfast after history...in the caf I ran into one of my friends and we discovered that we both have 8:00's & 11:00's & nothing in the middle! Why not eat breakfast together? I had already gotten my to-go box so it was too late for Monday but from then on we would plan on eating breakfast together. I was happy to make that discovery. I was prepared for my next class once I got back to the dorm so I settled down to eating my breakfast and browsing facebook mindlessly. I know that sounds boring but it's so nice to have a brain dead activity ever so often. I had photography at 11:00 and our professor showed us what our pinhole cameras will look like. They're so cute! They are these little wooden boxes...only a few inches by a few inches. He took a picture with each of the two cameras he had prepared so he could go through the whole process with us. We went into the dark room next. That room is tiny...I thought it'd be a lot bigger. Anyways, he showed us the whole process: take the film out of the back of the camera, dip it in each of the specific chemicals for a specified amount of time, & dry the photo paper. Once it was dry and properly chemically-altered, we headed into the computer room. There he scanned the picture onto the computer and opened it in Photoshop. The prints are inverted so we are going to have to invert each one on photoshop, crop how we see fit, and adjust the light/dark settings to make it a lovely product. :) I'm not a big fan of photoshop but it is necessary here. I'm really getting excited about this class...we will get our cameras Wednesday and will begin the pinhole photography process! Yay! I headed to lunch with one of my photography friends because luckily we got out of class early again...early enough to eat lunch! I had scientific inquiry next. We are set up in little groups and our activity today was to show us how working together in the field of science specifically is important. Each group was a "country" and each country had a specific problem...for instance my country spoke like 15 different languages....others were not allowed to touch anything green for a religious reason. Something like that. We were all given some pieces from a puzzle and we asked to put what we could together not knowing what the puzzle looked like as a finished product and being hindered by whatever problem we were assigned. As time went on, the problems were diminished and we were awarded more puzzle pieces and shown bit by bit what the puzzle looked like. The pieces were to represent data and the activity was to show us that collaborating between countries to gather "pieces to the puzzle" and to help each other is important if you actually want to make progress towards any initiative. After class, I hung out in my friend's dorm on the 1st floor and we went to eat supper. After a not-so-great supper in the caf, I went and saw Alex briefly. Before long though, I headed to my weekly QuadWorks meeting. It went well but I'm getting more & more overwhelmed about what I'm actually going to have to do for my committee and specifically homecoming. I'll survive but it'll be tough. I went back to Alex's and we watched some TV with his suitemates. We went and drove around Macon so they could find food...it was a longer drive than it needed to be because they couldn't decide what to eat. Haha. Getting back to his dorm, I didn't stay long because I was just so tired. I eventually crashed about 11:30 exhausted but happy about a good day. :)

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