Sunday, August 15, 2010

Day 225

Friday was a good day. I woke up early enough to tell my brother goodbye as he left with our parents for his first day as a sophomore! Alex and I got ready and we were off to Macon to meet our friends Cecilia and Korin. Alex had some errands to run, but the three of us girls were on a photo expedition. We started our adventure at Saint Joseph's Catholic church. I have seen this church multiple times and have really wanted to photograph it because it is such a gorgeous church. Cecilia and Korin had already taken some pictures of it but we decided to go inside and take some shots. Luckily just as we were entering, a man was standing inside with a camera himself. He had a key to the balcony so he offered to take us up with him. He was really into photography so he gave us some tips as we took pictures of the church. I enjoyed taking pictures throughout the whole church just because of how beautiful it is. Next, we walked downtown a little bit. Wandering some of the safer streets, we stopped ever so often to take pictures if we saw something interesting. Alex caught back up with us and we went onto College Street to take pictures of the huge, old homes along the way. Even starting as early as we did, it was extremely hot outside and we were all tired and worn out by the time we made it back to our cars. I had a lot of fun going around taking those pictures so hopefully those trips can happen throughout the year. Alex and I then went to Mercer to buy a drink to cool off. We wandered Heritage Hall and stopped by the library to check up on some books we had ordered. Dad had wanted us to meet him at the Chick-Fil-A so we headed there for lunch not long after. Then we went and Dad bought me some new running shoes from our favorite shoe store. My shoes have hot pink highlights and the socks are lime green. :) Awesome. Getting home, we relaxed a little and then got ready before heading out once again...this time with the whole family. We went and ate at Polly's - a good seafood place - before going to watch The Expendables. The movie was ok...I didn't like it so much because there was a lot of blood and gore...not really my kind of movie. Getting home, I was definitely tired but I was happy because we had a great day. :)

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