Saturday, August 21, 2010

Day 233

First Day back at Mercer: Saturday August 21, 2010. I woke up early this morning, about 8:00, and hopped into the shower. Last year I took for granted a full bath/shower in the bathroom in my suite. This year, I have a lovely, tiny walk-in shower that isn't so much fun. Anyways, after I got completely ready I walked to Jittery Joe's to meet my CBF boss. I am going to be a part of CSF (cooperative student fellowship) this year at Mercer (I was oblivious to it's existence prior to this summer) and we wanted to try to help some freshmen move in today. Aimee knew of one person who was interested in CSF so we were going to try to help her but as soon as we found her on campus, the Mercer Movers had beaten us to her luggage. Oh well...we still enjoyed a brief fellowship time with her and her family as she moved in. The 5 of us in our little group walked around campus for a little bit and I showed them my dorm room when we got to it. After we went off to our separate ways, I worked on decorating my room until lunch time. I met Gayle-Anne and her roommate in the dorm and we headed to the Caf. I sure hadn't been in the caf in a long time and boy was it ever crowded with lots of freshman and their families. After lunch I went to the bookstore and picked up my books that I had ordered. Then I met back up with Gayle-Anne and her roommate, after I had gotten lots more of my room decorated, and we were off to Target/Bed, Bath, and Beyond/Michael's. We had a successful shopping trip and we stopped and got an early supper of to-go hibachi fried rice with shrimp. Yummy! Now I've met my suitemates and am enjoying a moment of quiet in my dorm...who knows what's in store for tonight!

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