Thursday, August 5, 2010

Day 217

Today! August 5, 2010. I once again skipped going running and slept the latest I had all week. After eating breakfast and getting ready, I was off to work again. I had Greek for lunch (Greek Quesadillas) from the down town deli. This is my second time eating Greek and oh my is so yummy! Anyways, I finished up my 20 hours and set off towards my Grandmother's. I was suppose to pick up my Amphora pottery piece today but we had a change of plans so that didn't work out. On the way, I had to get gas because I was out! Glad I made it to the gas station. The whole family met at my Grandmother's and we set off to Montezuma, Georgia to go to Brown's to gather our favorite type of peaches: Elberta. Elberta peaches are not found very easily and this location is home to them. Brown's is also home to many home grown country vegetables and zenias. My parents picked out what beans and peas we wanted to buy and bushels of peaches and Mom and I went to the zenia field for Mom to pick some flowers and for me to take pictures. They're just so pretty, I love photographing them each time we go. To cool off (and just to eat some), we all enjoyed some peach ice cream - very delicious! We drove back to my Grandmother's to pick up my car and to drop her off and we dropped by Chick-Fil-A before going home. We enjoyed out chicken sandwiches and a nice family evening relaxing and watching television. Tomorrow I'm off to six flags with some Mercer friends, so it's time to get excited! :)

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