Thursday, August 5, 2010

Day 215

Tuesday! I could not convince myself to wake up and run so I slept as long as I could before waking to shower and get ready for work. I took my left over "Spagana" from Cheddars to eat for lunch and it was very yummy again. I left work early and headed to get my new parking sticker for Mercer next year. I went home then and mom and I went to the post office quickly to try to mail a package before Alex got to my house but as we were checking out, Alex called saying he was at the house...woops. So we were late getting home but that's ok. So Mom, Alex, and I sat in the house chatting and eventually turned on Oprah. It was good to see Alex, though it was only a short visit. He was off to soccer practice (the reason for him coming to visit) and Caleb came home from his quick beach trip. We ate supper and later, I went to Dairy Queen to meet up with a couple of my high school friends. We sat and talked for about an hour and a half catching up. It was good to see them...especially since we all move back to school so soon!

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