Saturday, August 21, 2010

Day 230

Wednesday August 18, 2010. I slept in a little bit on Wednesday because I was enjoying another day being off of work. I either sat around watching TV or I packed a little bit more (I can't remember which) before I was off to town. I had a hair appointment and I was very ready to get a new hair cut. Last summer, basically a year ago, before I started my freshman year at Mercer, I got my hair cut super short. I had grown it out since then (with only one hair cut in between) and it was starting to annoy me at the length it was. Maybe that was just because it was time to get a hair cut...who knows but no matter the reason, I was ready for something new. I told my stylist that I wanted it about shoulder length but without layers and something that kind of framed my face. I was really happy with the result and I have loved it ever since. I went to church where Dad was and to school where my Mom was currently so I could show them my new hair. They both liked it. :) I called Gayle-Anne my friend from Mercer who I'd gone to Amphora with a few weeks ago because I knew she hadn't picked up her piece that she painted with me and it was time for me to pick up the latest piece I'd picked. We set a time to meet at Amphora and we both were very pleased with our beautiful pieces of artwork. :) Afterwards, we went and ate at Johnny's Pizza right beside the pottery studio and sat and talked. And talked. And talked. It was great girl time...I'm so excited to have great friend time at Mercer this year! After we finally left the pizza parlor, I went back home. It was a full but good day! :)

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