Tuesday, August 17, 2010

Day 229

Tuesday August 17, 2010. Today. I woke up around 9 again and though I was trying to convince myself otherwise, I went running. I told myself it was time to try out my new running shoes and socks so I got ready and headed out to the road to stretch. Boy was it ever humid. I just ran through the neighborhood (just under 2 miles) but I was happy when I finished that I had gotten my lazy behind out of bed to run. I always feel so good after I've run. My shoes felt good...I still have to break them in some but I look forward to many good workouts this year with my college friends. The socks are really awesome too. Other than the fact that they're lime green, they are the "no show" type but they have this little tongue on the back that prevents the heel of the shoe from rubbing your foot's heel! I know I sound super lame for liking this so much but I ALWAYS have trouble getting blisters on my heel so these awesome socks hopefully saved my feet from blisters today! :) I drank Gatorade after I finished and jumped in the pool to cool off. I showered and then settled in front of the television to take a break. Mona Lisa Smile was on TV and it was just starting so I decided to watch it! It's a 2003 movie and it has some big names in it. I didn't think I had seen it before and it looked good. I did enjoy watching it and I think watching it again would allow me to catch more of the details I missed this time. I went up to my room next and tried to start the cleaning room/packing for Mercer process. I straightened my room up and then was basically at a loss of what to do to pack. I left everything in a pile after moving out at the end of last semester so that is a big part of the packing I have to do. I just need to buy some more supplies from the store. Mom read this book loaned to her and really liked it so she thought I would enjoy it during my last week of freedom. It's called Garden Spells by Sarah Addison Allen and I must admit, I started it and finished it all in one day. Now, mind you, it isn't very long but now I once again have nothing else to read. I do strongly recommend it for you readers out there. For supper, we ate corn, hamburgers, french fries, peaches, and blackberries. That was a ton of food, I couldn't eat all of my share! We watched a little bit of TV after supper and now we're all in bed if not already asleep. Tomorrow means that I will be moved into Mercer in less than 3 days! That is so hard to believe.

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