Sunday, August 1, 2010

Day 210

Thursday (July 29th) was a fun day. I went to work like normal and afterwards, I dropped by Gayle-Anne's place in Macon and we were off to Amphora Pottery Studio to paint some pottery! I love amphora, I have gone for a few years now and I love it more each time I go. I took some high school friends once but I don't think they really enjoyed that sort of thing so I was so happy that Gayle-Anne was excited to go and had as much fun as I did while we were painting. We walked around the walls of the store trying to figure out what to paint (there are so many interesting possibilities). Gayle-Anne chose an extra large mug and I chose a large fancy letter "H". We had to choose colors next and I chose solid white for the background then about 5 or 6 bright colors to put polka dots all over the "H". Gayle-Anne painted her mug purple with a white design on the outside and then painted the inside really cute: she wrote "time to make more coffee" on the bottom, painted a ring of white to represent sugar & wrote sugar on that layer, then she chose a brown-ish white to represent creamer, and then a light brown to show the coffee. So we painted for probably about two hours and talked about everything under the sun, as is the norm for most girls. :) It was a lot of fun, and I can't wait to go back with more friends from school! :)

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