Wednesday, July 28, 2010

Day 209

Today has been pretty good. I slept in a little bit and actually got to work a little early! I continued work I had been doing for the last few days. I think that I've gotten the hang of it and now it's kind of slow and boring. But it is necessary. I went out to lunch with 3 of my co-workers. We went to Acapulco in downtown Macon. I'd eaten there once with Alex & his family before and this time it all tasted good again. We sat and talked for a while and it's nice that we can do that...I love that everybody in our office gets along so well. :) The last couple of hours back at work went by slow but I got some entertainment when it started thundering and raining. I headed home and watched the tail end of Opera (she talked to Adam Lambert and Susan Boyle). Dad is at church for the Wednesday night service & Mom drove Caleb to his soccer practice. So I'm home alone for now! I had thought about what to do for a picture today and I thought of this little angle figurine and thought it would be a neat subject. I wandered around my house & front porch and ended up with this picture. I like it and it's nothing like I've taken before. So, I'm off to finds something interesting on TV...good evening folks! :)

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