Tuesday, July 20, 2010

Day 201

Today, July 20, 2010, has been a good day. I woke up at 6:30 and ran around the neighborhood. At 9:00, I was off to work and I wore my new American Eagle skirt. I worked on a number of things in the office and most important of all, I had a crash course to learn some of the software. In my work during the school year I'll be using it a lot so it's important to learn. It is a lot of info so questions and practice will help a lot. I got home about 5:30 and sat and talked with mom for a little bit. Caleb and Dad were off to Atlanta to watch a Braves game for one of Caleb's friend's birthday party. Mom and I went to the mexican restaurant in town and enjoyed some yummy food and each other's company. Right before we left, I saw Haleigh and Lauren (friends from high school) and so we talked for a little bit, which was nice. After supper, mom and I walked around the neighborhood so I could take some pictures. It was so hot and humid that we were sweaty once we got back inside. Then we watched Post Grad. It's a pretty cute movie...it ended quite suddenly though. Now, I'm typing the blog and going to get ready for bed soon. :)

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