Monday, July 26, 2010

Day 203

Thursday - July 22, 2010 - was a very exciting day for me. I woke up from sleeping on the couch, showered, and finished packing my stuff to take to Alex's house! I was leaving the house by 9:30 and I had arrived at the designated location by 11:00. There was some road work going on so Alex had to come meet me at a gas station to lead me to his house. It was great to finally see him and hug him once I got to his house. We really just sat around and talked and enjoyed spending time with each other for the first bit of time there. Then we went to go and watch Inception at the movies. Alex had seen it the night before but wanted to see it again and since I was interested, we decided to go. It was funny because I told my parents that I was going to see it and ironically they had just gotten out of seeing Inception themselves! After Alex and I got out of the theater, my mind was blown. Wow. It is a really good movie but so deep that I want to see it again! I don't think any number of times seeing it can fully explain it though. We got back to the house and enjoyed a yummy supper with Alex's family. :) Great day number 1 with Alex!

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