Thursday, July 15, 2010

Day 193

Monday I was woken up bright & early about 6:40 so we could go for a run. Before we got going, Dad and I walked down and looked at the ocean. The sun was still rising over the high tide and it was beautiful. On our run, we ran to the fishing pier (about 1.7 miles there). We walked along the pier to get a breather (at least I needed one) and then we headed off again on a path through the marsh. There was a beach entrance so we got onto the beach to run. I was having a difficult time. I'm still working on getting into shape but mentally, I'm out of shape too. Caleb and Dad were lots faster than us but thankfully Mom helped to encourage me on. We hit driftwood beach, from the other end of where we walked before. That made the running difficult because we had to maneuver over and around these fallen trees. That made the track very cross country in my opinion. We made it back to the house, got some gatorade for refreshment, and hit the pool to cool off. Not too long after, we hit the bike trails. I was able to take some pictures along the trails of the historic buildings along the way. The route we rode is around 7-8 miles so once we got done with that we were tired again. We cooled off in the pool again and then it was time for me to read another education chapter. Monday was a big reading day for me. I finished the little Twilight novella (I enjoyed it) and started Winter Garden by Kristin Hannah. Mom read it and thought that I would enjoy it. A great day number three! :)

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