Sunday, July 18, 2010

Day 197

Friday, I was woken up probably at like 6:30. We drove to the bridge that we crossed to get onto Jekyll because my parents & brother wanted to run across it and then back. The bridge is like 1.5 miles itself so the whole loop they ran was about 4 I think. I didn't run it because I wanted to walk the bridge to take pictures. My goodness, I won't be doing that again for a while. So imagine this: there are 4 lanes, 2 going in each direction with a concrete divider in the middle and a little emergency lane on the far ends. HUGE cable-ish things running up above your head holding you and the bridge up and a marsh/river sits a good ways below you. And of course keep in mind the cars that keep flying past you. You can't step too close to the edge or too close to the cars. I was very careful but man I was getting freaked out up there. I would've been just fine if there were no cars I could've walked in the middle haha but i survived and so did mom, dad, and Caleb. After, we came back and ate breakfast. We layered up for the beach and walked on it briefly before high tide hit. Walking on the beach we went to driftwood beach again just by wandering in that direction. We saw some portraits being taken! A photographer had a flash hood set up and we saw from a distance a couple being posed. Gosh I think that's just an amazing place to take engagement pictures (if that's what it was) because it's so pretty and so unique. We sat out at the pool for hours (mom thinks about 7 or so). Then, we went and got into the ocean one last time too just for the sake of it because that's the last time for this trip. Then we went and ate on st simons island at the 4th of may cafe. (Cool name though random). Tt was all-you-can-eat shrimp & fish (grouper then) night. I instead got fried scallops, corn bread, mac & cheese, and black eyed peas. Goodness it was all good. The whole restaurant was basically a small southern cooking for seafood place so I think we'd visit again if we were back here in the future. After eating we were going to see the sunset again but it was kinda a bummer because this huge cloud blocked basically all of the setting sun. Oh well, i got to see some another night. It's sad because Friday was our last full day on Jekyll. I really loved that island...except for the fact that when it was high tide, there was no beach. Otherwise, I'd love to go back!

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