Monday, July 5, 2010

Day 186

Today has been a good day. I got today off from work so I slept until about 9:00. I went downstairs and ate breakfast. As planned, the whole family then set out to the garage. Half had been cleaned last Friday while I was at work and the 2nd half was going to get done today. So we took everything out of the garage, rinsed out the garage and rinsed off the items that had been covered in spiderwebs and dust, and put everything back in a hopefully more organized manner. My job for the most part was rinsing items off and I got myself pretty wet in the process. It was warm outside and I hope that I got some sun. After, we ate lunch and I got to chat Alex some. A little later, we were off to Macon to watch The Last Airbender. Caleb and I had watched the cartoon series so I was pretty familiar with the story line. I had heard many critiques that those who had watched the cartoon version did not like the movie. After it was over, we went to eat at Margaritas and had some yummy mexican food (I had burritos). The movie was alright. Some scenes were too drawn out but some action scenes were actually exciting. I noticed some differences between the cartoon and this version. I was surprised though because the movie is just the 1st part of three...and I didn't know what that would be the case. The cartoon series was divided into 3 books so I suppose they'll do the same for the movies. I don't know if I'd see it again but it wasn't terrible. Now we're home watching Lie to Me and I'll be doing some homework before bed. :)

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